Chapter 34

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It was the end of the day and you slowly made your way to Hinata and Kageyama's classroom where you promised you would meet them so that you could help them study. You had decided to help them with their weakest subject first but since that seemed to be all of them you just went with whatever you were in the mood for.

"(Y/N)!" Hana screamed at you as she came running down the corridor.

"Hana?" you asked, startled.

"(Y/N) is it true, you're going to the training camp?" she asked you with wide eyes.

"Yes, how did you know?" you asked. 

"Oh, Kuroo told me, what are you doing here?" she replied quickly. 

"Oh, I'm supposed to tutor Hinata  and Kageyama so they can go to the training camp" you explained.

"I see they're not very bright then?" she asked. 

"When it comes to anything that isn't volleyball then yes" you sighed.

"It seems you have your work cut out for you then (Y/N), well bye then" Hana said as she sprinted off.

"You're not even going to offer to help?" you asked as you stretched your hand in the direction she ran off in. You could have sworn you saw a tall person with blond hair just around that corner she ran off to. You didn't know who it was though, they were too far away and you didn't want to make assumptions.

You entered Hinata and Kageyama's classroom to find them already talking with Yachi.

"Hey Yachi!" you called out.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)" she replied.

"Are you here to help them study too, it would be great if you could help" you asked her.

"Are you sure, would you like me too?" she asked you. 

You nodded your head as you beckoned her to lean closer to you as you whispered to her about how badly the two volleyball idiots needed help.

"Oh my, of course I can help, what do you suggest we start with first?" she asked you. 

"I was thinking biology first and then maybe we could switch to English tomorrow?" you suggested. 

"Yeah I can do that, English isn't my best subject but I can try" Yachi nodded.

"Oh you don't need to worry about English then, I'm pretty good" you said.

"Wait no way!" Hinata exclaimed, "how?"

"I don't know, I think it's because I picked up a little in (Y/C) when I lived there and my dad sometimes says random phrases around the house so I've kinda adapted" you laughed. 

"Wow! So you can teach us?" Hinata asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I just need to find out what level you're at first and we can work from there" you explained. 

"My name... is Hinata," he struggled to get out.

"Yes, that was a good start, what about you Kageyama?" you said as you turned to the other boy. 

" is Kagayama" he struggled a little more than Hinata but these were only the basics so you knew this was going to be a lot of work.

"Well we can start on English tomorrow, I've got some biology questions that we can work on" you said as you reached into your bag. 

You gave the two boys the sheet of questions.

"Okay you have fifteen minutes lets see how you do" you said as you started a timer. 

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