Chapter 36

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm going off. It was 6:00am and you needed to get up in order to go to the training camp.

You groaned as you rolled over in your bed to turn it off. It was way too early.

"I bet Tadashi's not even up yet" you groaned.

You pulled yourself out of bed and got dressed before opening your window, ready to wake up Yamaguchi.

The window was open since you had told him to leave it open so you could wake him up in the morning.

"Tadashi!" you whisper-shouted as you climbed through the window and flopped onto his bed.

Yamaguchi woke up, startled, as he looked around in confusion until he saw your exhausted body draped across his bed with your feet hanging out the window slightly.

"Jeez (Y/N) it's like six in the morning" he complained groggily as he rubbed his eyes.

"I know" you yawned, "but we need to get to school early for the training camp"

"The training camp? Oh shoot I forgot about that" he said as he sat upright. 

"Tadashi how did you forget? I don't know how you'd live without me" you smiled as you slid down onto the floor.

"Haha, I can't even imagine life without you" he smiled back.

"Well duh we've been together for like ten years" you rolled your eyes jokingly.

"Hey (Y/N) are you gonna get off the floor?" Tadashi asked as he raised an eyebrow at the sight of you sprawled on his bedroom floor half-asleep.

"In a second I'm sleepy" you yawned.

"But I need to get dressed" he said. 

Your eyes shot open and you sprung up off the floor.

"Yep okay, I understand, I'll go make us some breakfast!" you said as you hastily left his bedroom to go to the kitchen.

You carefully walked down the stairs and when you arrived in his kitchen you started to look through the cupboards for something Tadashi would like to eat, well something you wanted to eat.

"Tadashi has Frosties!" you whispered to yourself excitedly. "And Coco-pops too!"

You gazed in awe at all the sugary cereal that your dad rarely let you eat, you couldn't remember the last time he had bought you cereal that wasn't Shreddies or Weetabix.

Then you heard your friend come slowly down the stairs. You whipped round and faced him with bright eyes.

"What are you so happy about?" he asked curiously.

"You have Frosties?" you whispered as you eyes gleamed in delight.

"Uh yeah?" he replied. 

"You have actual Frosties?" you beamed at him.

Yamaguchi quietly laughed at the fact that you were so excited about cereal, he thought it was adorable.

"You can eat them if you want" he told you. 

You quietly squealed as you opened the box and poured the cereal in before going to the fridge to get milk. You sat down at the table and started eating while Yamaguchi rummaged around behind you.

He sat down opposite you with some toast.

"Woah (Y/N) I don't think you can fit anymore in your mouth" he said as he looked at you shoving a huge spoonful or cereal in your mouth. 

My Best Friend Tadashi - Yamaguchi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now