Chapter 4

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You took a deep breath and started to shakily make your way to the classroom. You sat in the seat by the window at the back waiting for the teacher to start so you could begin your studies.

That's when she burst in.

She was red in the face and was out of breath, she stood in the doorway clutching her side as she tried to get her breath back.

"I-I'm sorry...I'm late," she panted. "I just, I saw a picture of a really nice doughnut and I couldn't help but admire its beauty so I kinda lost track of time"

The class stared at her in silence. This was the advanced class, how did someone like her get in?

The teacher stared at the girl shocked, it wasn't often someone who was late burst into the classroom looking like an absolute mess. You glanced up at the mysterious new girl, she had short brown hair that stretched to the end of her chin and a fringe that seemed almost a little too long. Her clothes were dishevelled, and her top button was missing.

"Take a seat at the back miss..." the teacher trailed off. 

"Err... Hana Nakamura" the girl replied.

She started making her way towards you and you stared at her awkwardly, turning your head towards the window once she sat down in the seat next to you. Then the teacher started the lesson.

You hung back at the end of class waiting for everyone else to leave. You were glad that the day was over because you could go and meet Tadashi, and maybe Tsukki if he was there. You had begun to pack your things away when you heard a voice behind you.

"Excuse me, umm sorry to bother you but is this yours?" someone said as you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder. 

It was Nakamura and she was holding out your lucky pencil. You stared at her and you felt the heat rising to your cheeks.

"Umm, yes thank you" you managed to stutter out. She smiled at you with a large closed-eye smile and giggled.

"Well take it then silly" she giggled.

"Oh umm of course, sorry" you stammered, blushing from embarrassment.

"You're funny you know that right" she smiled again.

"Well, I ummm..."

"Hey, what do you say, do you wanna hang out sometime? What's your name?" she asked excitedly.

"Umm, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)" you said quietly.

"Well, nice to meet ya, I bet you already know who I am considering I was late today, say do you think you could be my friend? I'm kinda new here." she explained.

"I – err sure, I guess" you didn't know how to respond.

"Great I'll see ya tomorrow then, I gotta get home quick today so bye" she waved at you as she ran out the classroom, leaving you in shock, had you just made your first friend at this school?

That was the first day you met your other best friend Hana.

I actually really like Hana, I think she is one of my favourite characters (even though I made her up). She's actually the complete opposite of me so its really fun to write about her. I hope you like her as much as I do.

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