Chapter 24

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"So, you're telling me that some hot volleyball captain gave you his number at this practice match and you haven't texted him?" Hana asked in shock.

You had decided to tell her about Kuroo because she would have found out eventually and it probably would have been worse if you hadn't told her sooner rather than later.

"What am I supposed to text him about? He just told me to keep him updated" you explained.

"Updated about what?" she asked as she leant on the side of your bed.

"Ummm, well we were talking about me and Tadashi..." you trailed off, immediately regretting what you had said.

"Wait. So, you're telling me that the captain of this volleyball team from another school in Tokyo told you to keep him updated on your relationship with Yamaguchi? Oh, my goodness. It seems that the two of you must be soulmates if even he ships it!" Hana snatched your phone out of your and began aggressively tapping on the screen.

"Hana, what are you doing?" you asked nervously, she was planning something, and you knew that you weren't going to like it.

"I just texted this Kuroo guy my number so we can talk about...stuff" she said before quickly flashing a smile at you.

"Stuff?" you asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, stuff"

You sighed and grabbed your phone back off her and looked at the screen.

Kuroo 🐱🏐

You: Hey this is (Y/N)'s friend Hana Nakamura do you think you could text me? I have the inside scoop on the ship if you know what I mean 😏 my number is xx xxxx xxxxxx

"Hana why would you text him that, I haven't even texted him yet now this just looks weird, and you know there's nothing like that between me and Tadashi" you sighed, you were getting bored of repeating the same thing over and over.

"You keep telling yourself that (Y/N)and maybe one day it will be true," she sighed.

Then her phone went off.

"Ooo, looks like I got a text from a certain captain" she said happily as she unlocked her phone.

"Wait no Hana don't tell him anything!" you said quickly but you knew it was probably already too late.

Hana was rapidly tapping away and then her finger hit the screen for the last time.

"Oops too late now" she said, confirming your suspicions.

You groaned and picked up your own phone from your bed and clicked on your most recent contact.

Kuroo 🐱🏐

You: Hey please don't listen to anything Hana tells you, there's nothing between me and Tadashi

Kuroo🐱🏐: so you finally decided to text me back and I don't remember saying anything about that kid

You face palmed, great they had backed you into a corner.

You: forget I said anything

Kuroo🐱🏐: but I can't now that you've admitted there something between you two

You: I didn't admit anything

Kuroo🐱🏐: sure you didn't

You: I didn't so you can keep quiet

Kuroo🐱🏐: keep quiet? Wow (L/N) you are harsh

You: I'm not and just call me (Y/N) it's easier for me

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