Chapter 41

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You slowly opened your eyes and groaned as you slowly sat up. Yachi was already awake and she smiled at you as she tied her hair up. You smiled back as you stretched your arms out. You quickly glanced around at the other managers who still sleeping.

"Good morning" you whispered.

"Good morning" she replied quietly.

You carefully stood up and made your way over to your things. You began to rummage around before pulling out some clothes and your toiletries. You quietly sipped out the door and made your way towards the toilets.

When you arrived your quickly washed your face and then went into the cubicles to put your clothes on. You weren't too fond of the idea but it was better than changing in front of other people, especially when had only known most them for a day despite having told them all about your feelings.

You thought back to your conversation from last night. You were certain now that you liked Yamaguchi but you were a little worried that it was going to affect your friendship.

"Well, I can't back out now," you muttered to yourself.

You left the bathroom and started to head back to your room. That was when you bumped into someone and fell onto the floor.

"Oh I'm so sorry (Y/N)" the person apologised as they helped you up.

"Don't worry I'm okay" you said as you brushed yourself down.

You looked up to see who the person was.

"Lev? I didn't think you'd be up this early" you said in confusion.

"I didn't think I would but Kuroo had other ideas" he yawned.

You laughed a little and Lev smiled down at you.

"Well I'll see you in a bit, I've gotta go and make breakfast soon" you said as you started to walk away.

"Oh sure, I'll see you later then" Lev smiled before walking away too.

You walked back into your room to see everyone awake and dressed.

"Oh (Y/N)'s back!" Yukie said.

"Great, we can go to the kitchen then" Kaori added.

"Yeah we gotta cook them breakfast" Mako groaned.

"I kind of like cooking though" you mentioned.

"Yeah it's kinda fun if you're in the mood" Yachi smiled.

Kiyoko just nodded and you all shuffled out the door and followed her to the kitchen.

Small time skip~

"Hey can you pass the eggs?" Yukie called out.

"Sure thing!" Yachi replied as she quickly hurried over to give the eggs to her.

"Thanks" Yukie smiled at her briefly before cracking one of them into the frying pan.

"Hey guys, all the boys are coming in now" you said as you peeked out to look at them.

"We should be done in about five minutes" Kaori replied.

"Does anyone have the butter?" you asked as you looked around for it.

"It's over here!" Eri called out.

"Ahhh I think I burnt the toast!" Mako shrieked as smoke began to come out of the toaster.

"It should be fine" Kiyoko said calmly as she swiftly removed the blackened bread from the toaster and opened the windows to let the smoke out.

"I'm sorry" Mako groaned.

My Best Friend Tadashi - Yamaguchi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now