Chapter 43

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Ten years later~

"(Y/N) you look beautiful" Hana whispered as she looked at you in your wedding outfit.

You smiled gratefully at her as your cheeks flushed slightly. You were so glad she had been able to make it to your wedding, after the training camp where Tadashi had confessed, you had met up to tell her the good news and she had admitted that she had been going to hospital al the times she had ignored your calls. Her heart was still a little weak but she was more than strong enough to make it on your big day and be your maid of honour just like you had promised all those years ago.

You broke your gaze with her as you picked up your ringing phone.

"Kuroo?" you asked as you held it to your ear.

"Hey (Y/N) we're coming with the cake right now, how are you doing?" he asked, you could practically feel his grin from the other end of the phone.

"I'm doing great thanks to you and Hana, I couldn't have done it without you" you replied, beaming although he couldn't see it.

Hana smiled at you but turned to open the door as she heard a knock on it. She carefully peeked around the door to make sure it wasn't your soon-to-be husband but opened it wide when she saw that it was Yachi and Kiyoko.

You were busy babbling to Kuroo on the phone but you still managed to catch a glimpse of your bridesmaids and you began to tear up as you saw how gorgeous they both were.

"I think you both might just steal the spotlight from me" you joked as you saw them in their matching dresses.

"That's very kind of you but we can't compete with you" Kiyoko smiled as she gestured to you.

"Wow" Yachi blushed as she saw you, "you're practically glowing!"

"Thanks" you giggled before returning to your conversation with Kuroo.

"So, how's Tanaka?" Hana asked Kiyoko to make conversation.

"He's very excited for today," she replied, "however, he insisted on wearing his silly cartoon socks" Kiyoko said as she rolled her eyes.

The three of them burst out laughing.

"I don't think (Y/N)'s gonna mind" Hana laughed as you finally got off the phone.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was Nishinoya's idea" Yachi laughed as the other two nodded and laughed in agreement.

"Okay, they're almost here" you said.

"Are you ready for your big day (Y/N)?" Yachi asked.

"It's a bit nerve-racking but I can't wait!" you said excitedly as the thought of spending the rest of your life with Tadashi crossed your mind for the thousandth time.

"The ceremony's starting in five minutes" Kiyoko said as she glanced at the clock.

"Let's go then" you said before hugging them all and letting the lead you out the door.

Five minutes later~

You clutched your bouquet anxiously as the doors opened, the music you had chosen began to play as you walked down the aisle, your dad beside you, holding onto your arm, tears in his eyes as he smiled with Hana, Kiyoko and Yachi following behind you.

You spotted the old volleyball team in the front, all of them sat in the rows behind your grandparents, smiling brightly. Even Hinata and Kageyama had managed to come and you were so grateful for that, they were both beaming at you and you had just realised how much they had both grown up.

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