Chapter 3

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You had all applied to the same middle school and on your first day you were bummed that you were in a different class to the two boys.

"Hey, don't worry (Y/N) its fine that you're not in the same class as us, right Tsukki?" Yamaguchi said as he tried to make you feel better.

"I couldn't care less what class that loser's in," Tsukki grumbled.

You felt the hot tears that threatened to fall blur your vision as you started to sniffle gently.

"Aaahhh, what do we do Tsukki? You made her cry!" Tadashi panicked.

You forced the tears to retreat as you started to protest "I am not crying Tadashi!" you exclaimed, "I just have some dust in my eyes" but when you looked back up at your best friends freckled face you felt you heart sink.

The truth was you were scared of being in a different class to your friends, you didn't know anyone else as you were always a pretty quiet person that liked to keep to yourself. You had never been the best at making friends hence why you only had two and one of them didn't even like you that much (or so he said). You were thrilled that you had been placed in the advanced class, but you didn't want to be in it if it meant that you had to be separated from your friends.

The tears that you had been fighting to keep contained suddenly spilled out of your (E/C) eyes and streamed down your (S/C) cheeks and you began to tremble.

"Tch," Tsukki smirked, "look at the little cry baby" you glared at him, your eyes full of hurt and his face fell, he would never admit it but he did care about you and seeing you in this state actually made him feel a little guilty. 

"Tsukki why would you say that!" Yamaguchi exclaimed as he moved closer to you and wrapped his arms around you.

"Tch, whatever"

You glanced back up at Yamaguchi and he stared down at you, his hands on your shoulders, he didn't know how to handle situations like this. He was never especially good with dealing with people's emotions but then again neither were you.

"Hey, look, you'll still get to see us during lunch so its not that bad. Imagine it, you could have gone to a completely different school instead and things would have been much worse" he said gently.

"I guess you're right" you sniffled and stretched your mouth into a wobbly smile. Tadashi smiled back at you, glad that he made you feel a little bit better. Then the bell rang, and you felt the tears prickle in your eyes and Yamaguchi looked at you worriedly. Tsukki had already left but Yamaguchi stayed but he knew he needed to get to his class soon.

"Look just meet us here after school okay, trust me you're going to be fine" and then he left leaving you all alone to floow Tsukki to their classroom.

I'm sorry if anyone seems a little out of character, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter (even if it's kinda bad). There may or may not be a new character coming soon, so I guess you have that to look forward to, if you read this .

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