Chapter 2

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It wasn't long after that incident that you met your other friend Kei Tsukishima, although you weren't sure if he considered you his friend. You had been walking to school with Tadashi when the bullies came up to the both of you and started to torment Yamaguchi. They shoved you aside and ignored you most of the time, but it always broke your heart to see them hurt Yamaguchi and know that you couldn't do anything about it.

You had tried before but they always brushed you aside or on a rare occasion, when they remembered your existence, they taunted you too. You always apologised to Tadashi for not doing anything, but he always forgave you and never held it against you because he understood your situation.

That's why you both considered Tsukki to be your saviour despite him not having done much. He had come along and scared away the bullies that were bothering you and you both had never been as grateful for a person's existence in your life. All he had done was stand there and say "Hey what are you doing?" but he was so tall that they had scampered off before he could do anything else.

Yamaguchi had looked up at Tsukishima with wide eyes that sparkled with admiration. Tsukki had begun to walk off but you quickly helped Yamaguchi off the ground and held his hand as you gently pulled him after the tall boy.

"What do you want?" Tsukishima asked as he looked at the two of you following him.

"Thank you" Yamaguchi sniffled.

"It was nothing" Tsukishima said. 

It might have been nothing to him but it meant a lot to both of you. You remembered that you had squeezed Tadashi's hand a little tighter for support before you spoke to Tsukishima.

"Thank you" you whispered.

Tsukishima looked back at you.

"I said it was nothing"

You shook your head as Tsukishima raised an eyebrow.

"No, thank you" you whispered again.

Tsukishima smiled a little and continued to walk to school.

Yamaguchi looked at you and you smiled back at him before walking through the school gates.

You had both begun to hang out with him at school and although Tsukki always complained about you presence he never told you to go away and so the three of you became close friends. Well as close as you could get to being friends with Tsukishima. Yamaguchi was a bit closer than you were but that was mainly because although you knew he was your friend, Tsukishima was still a little bit intimidating. 

Tadashi even joined the volleyball team because of Tsukki and although he wasn't the most talented, he put in lots of effort and of course you went to every single one of their games to cheer them on. You always got excited when Yamaguchi got to play and you cheered extra hard for him. You felt bad sometimes because you didn't cheer as loud for Tsukishima but he didn't really care. 

I know this chapter is really short but the next chapter is going to be longer.  If you have any suggestions of what you like to see in fanfics then I might be able to include them at some point (to the few people that actually read this

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