Chapter 15

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It was the day of the practice match with Aoba Johsai and Hana was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement.

"You just haven't seen him yet (Y/N), you'll change your mind once you see him, I promise!" she squealed at the thought of Aoba Johsai's captain.

"I doubt it," you replied as you turned towards your friend.

"Ah, that right, I almost forgot, you only have eyes for your beloved Tadashi," she grinned.

"I've already told you Hana, it's not like that!" you protested.

"Hmm, well in that case, you can at least give Oikawa a chance" she said as she looked at you suggestively.

"I thought you wanted him?" you said confused but just Hana smiled at you sweetly.

"I actually have my heart set in someone else, but he doesn't feel the same, so I've decided to try and take my mind off him by looking for other guys," she looked at the floor her smile had faded and she looked so hurt and vulnerable.

"But hey," she looked back up at you, her smile returned although not as genuine and bright as before, "that doesn't mean I can't set you up with someone, now does it? Oh, hey look the match is starting!" she exclaimed as she pointed to the courts below you.

You stared down at the two teams, Kageyama was the setter for this game despite him being a first year. Yamaguchi had told you that Aoba Johsai had specifically requested him to be the setter for the match. You had felt kind of bad for the third-year setter, Sugawara, but he had assured you that he wasn't bothered about it.

"Hmm, that's weird," Hana squinted down at the game that was currently going on down below.

"What?" you asked.

"Well, it's just that I don't see Oikawa down there"

You looked back down, it was true, there wasn't anyone who seemed remotely captain-like on Seijoh's side.

"Maybe he just had to go somewhere today?" you suggested.

"Aww man, and he was the only reason I came to this stupid game!" Hana whined.

"Shut up, we came for Tsukki and Karasuno too," you reminded her sternly and Hana blinked before coming to her senses.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about them, come on Tsukki block them, you can do it woooo!" Hana cheered.

You face palmed, but then again what had you expected? Tsukishima looked up at the two of you clearly irritated and you pulled Hana away from the edge of the railing.

"I don't think it's a good idea to distract them," you told her, and she went back to just watching them play.

You continued to watch the match until they subbed in a new setter.

"(Y/N)," Hana whispered, "Its Oikawa."

You looked down at the handsome, brown haired boy who had just arrived.

"I don't think Kageyama likes him that much," you stated as you realised the hostile glares they were giving each other.

"Ahhh, he's even hotter in real life!" Hana squealed causing Oikawa to look up at the two of you and give you a smile and a wink. 

You just blinked down at him, but Hana grabbed your shoulders and started shaking you back and forth.

"OH MY GOODNESS (Y/N) DID YOU SEE THAT?" she screamed in excitement.

"Yes Hana I did, now stop shaking me I wanna watch the match!" you  said as you wriggled out of her grasp.

You watched the match intensely as you began to study Oikawa. You noticed the brace on his knee and connected the dots.

My Best Friend Tadashi - Yamaguchi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now