Episode 19 "Wesley?"

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[ Iris runs up to Wesley to give him a big hug

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[ Iris runs up to Wesley to give him a big hug.]
Iris: Omg! I can't believe you're here.
Wesley: I've missed you so much.
Iris: How did you know where I was?
Wesley: I stopped by your house and your grandma said you were here.
River: *gets up from his spot* Um!
Iris: Oh! River and I are on a date.
Wesley: Oh, I brought you flowers.
River: She doesn't need your flowers.
Wesley: Who are you to speak for her?
River: Hold on, I've been there for her unlike you!
Wesley: I was there before you even came in the picture!
River: But who left and filled a better spot in her heart? Me. So, you can take your stupid flowers and shove it!
[ Wesley pushes River to the ground. River gets up then starts to tackle Wesley.]
Iris: Stop fighting!
[ Iris gets in between them.]
Iris: Stop!
Wesley: I'm leaving. *to Iris* Talk to me when you're done entertaining this clown.
[River is dropping Iris off at home. They're sitting in his car.]
Iris: I'm sorry that tonight ended on the wrong foot.
River: It's okay. I love spending time with you. You have a good night and I'll see you on Monday.
Iris: Thank you for a good time tonight.
[ Iris kisses River on the cheek then leaves his car. She walks in the house.]
Christy: How was your date, love?
Iris: It was great! We both had a good time.
Christy: You're dad called. He said that he'll be back in around Christmas time.
Iris: That's cool.
[ Iris is on her way up to her room, but she stops.]
Iris: Grandma, can we talk?
Christy: Sure!
[ They have a seat on the couch.]
Iris: So, you're aware that Wes is back?
Christy: No? When did he come back?
Iris: He came to the beach with flowers and he told me that you told him that I was there.
Christy: No one came over.
Iris: Really?
Christy: Yeah.
[ Wesley walks into the Fox's house. He then takes off his coat.]
Wesley: Sula! I'm back home!
[Who we thought was Wesley turns into Carmen.]
Sula: How was it?
Carmen: You should've seen the look on their faces! *laughs* Iris was so happy to see me.
Sula: I don't think this is a good idea-
Carmen: Since when did you start caring about when something was good? I'm having fun. She played with my heart so now I'm going to play with hers.

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