Episode 7 "Over the Edge"

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[ its Sunday, 3:30pm, Iris comes down stairs and Christy is in the living room looking at tv

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[ its Sunday, 3:30pm, Iris comes down stairs and Christy is in the living room looking at tv.]
Iris: hey, grandma.
Christy: Hey, baby. Have you heard from any of your friends or did you make any new friends at the party?
Iris: They all have hangovers.
Christy: so you didn't drink?
Iris: no but I did smoke.
Christy: how was it?
Iris: it was nice and relaxing.
Christy: oh yeah!? That's good you had fun. Your mom called.
Iris: why?
Christy: she said that she's coming to Brookshire for a couple of days...
Iris: why is she coming here? I said I didn't want anything to do with her.
Christy: I know, Iris, but she's still your mother.
Iris: I respect my mom, but what she's been doing since I was a small child isn't acceptable. And I've finally got away from that and enjoying my life for a change. I'm going for a walk.
[ Iris walks out the house then calls Wesley as she's walking down the street.]
Iris: hey, can we meet at Monroe Park?
[ Wesley meets Iris there. He walks up to her while she's sitting on a bench.]
Wesley: hi.
Iris: *looks up* hey, what's up with the shades?
Wesley: hangover sensitivity.
Iris: Ah, I see.
Wesley: So what's up?
Iris: we're close friends right?
Wesley: yeah.
Iris: I can tell you anything right?
Wesley: Yep.
Iris: okay, so my mom called today and she's coming here to Brookshire.
Wesley: that's a good thing right?
Iris: No. She's the main reason why I moved here with my grandma; she's done some things in her past and I don't know if I could ever get over it.
Wesley: what does your dad have to say about it?
Iris: My dad is in Connecticut with his new family. He doesn't even keep in contact with me.
Wesley: *scans the park* I think I can take your mind off of this.
Iris: how?
Wesley: *grabs Iris's hand* come on.
[ Wesley and Iris take some abandoned bikes in the park and start to ride around the neighborhood. "Kids" by Current Joys starts to play.]
Iris: where are we going?
Wesley: just follow me.
[ After riding through the town, they stop at an abandoned building.]
Iris: where are we?
Wesley: follow me.
[ He leads all the way up to the rooftop of the building. The current time is 5:55pm.]
Iris: wow, you can see the whole city from here.
[ Wesley pulls out an old couch.]
Wesley: *sits down* wanna sit?
Iris: sure. *sits down on the couch* this doesn't have bugs on it or anything right?
Wesley: No, I always sit on this couch.
Iris: so is this your secret hideout?
Wesley: I guess so; I always come here to clear my head and take a break from reality. We all need a piece of mind sometimes. That's why I brought you here.
Iris: Thank you for doing all of this for me even when you had a hangover.
Wesley: I'll do anything for you. *panics* that's because we're best friends, I totally didn't mean that in a girlfriend- boyfriend type way, not saying I don't wanna be your boyfriend, I-
Iris: it's okay, Wes. I get it. *smiles* Plus, I will always be here for you too. You know, ever since I've moved here, you've been nothing, but an angel... And I'm blessed that a guy like you has came into my life.
Wesley: I'm glad you feel that way. *smiles*
[ Wesley and Iris turn their attention to the sunset.]
Wesley: *takes his shades off* the sunsets are always beautiful here.
[ Iris starts to admire Wesley's beauty.]
<Iris: As he's looking towards the sunset, I'm admiring his beautiful side profile; His jawline is strong, his lips aren't too big and aren't too small, and his cheekbones are very defined. Is it possible for a guy to look like a Greek God? *chuckles*>
[ Its the middle of the night.]
Wesley: *looks at Iris* I have to tell you something.
Iris: okay, what is it?
Wesley: I am-, I'm a-
[ Bryson busts down the door.]
Bryson: Wesley! I knew you'd be down here.
Wesley: *pops up* what are you doing here Bryson?
Bryson: we're not done! And this time your little girlfriend Michelle won't be here to save you.
Iris: *turns to Wesley* Michelle?! You go with Michelle?
Wesley: No, I don't. I'll explain later. Bryson, you need to leave!
Alex: we're not going anywhere!
Jeff: yeah, we're going to beat you up like we did the past three years.
Iris: *steps in front of them* you won't lay a finger on him.
Bryson: oh yeah? Yo, Michelle!!
[ Michelle and Vonnie step out from the darkness.]
Michelle: hi, Wesley.
Bryson: Michelle and Vonnie come get her.
[ Michelle and Vonnie grabs Iris's arms and put them behind her back]
Iris: ow! Let go of me!
[ Bryson, Alex, and Jeff walk up to Wesley.]
Wesley: Is there any way we can talk about this?
Bryson: No.
[ Iris tries to break free from Michelle and Vonnie but they're too strong. Bryson throws the first punch to Wesley. He falls to the ground.]
Bryson: Get him up!
[ Alex and Jeff raise Wesley up, then he begins to fight back; He starts to dodge punches, he roundhouses Alex in the face, elbows Jeff in the jaw, and he uses all of his strength to punch Bryson in the face.]
Bryson: *wipes blood from his mouth* you know, I didn't wanna have to use my other abilities, but you leave me no choice.
[ Bryson, Alex, and Jeff raise up from the ground with mischievous looks on their face. They all jump on him and start punching him. Once Wesley is down on the ground the kick him.]
Iris: *yelling* STOP, YOU'RE HURTING HIM.
[ Wesley barley crawls to the edge of the roof. Bryson brings him by his shirt then holds him over the edge. Wesley looks down at the concrete that's eight stories below him then he looks at Iris.]
Iris: NO! Bryson, STOP IT!
Bryson: I'm going to put you out of your misery. Any last words?
Wesley: *whispering* You will feel my wrath.
[ Alex, Bryson, and Jeff start to laugh.]
Bryson: Feel your wrath? *sarcastic* omg I'm so scared. *laughs* Good-bye. *lets go of Wesley*
Iris: NOOOOOO!!!
[ Michelle and Vonnie let go of Iris then she goes to run to the edge where he dropped him, but her eyes can't believe what she's seeing.]
Episode 8 coming soon!

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