Episode 10 "Steve"

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[ Iris rushes to Christy's aid.]
Iris: grandma!!? Grandma!! Mom, call 911!
[After the ambulance was called, they arrive at the house taking Christy away in a stretcher.]
Iris: *to the medic* Is she going to be okay?
Medic: We're going to hurry up and get her to the hospital we can run test.
[ once they get her in the truck, they drive off with sirens. Iris and Nicole go back in the house.]
Nicole: *to Iris* this is all your fault!
Iris: Oh here we go with the narcissistic stuff again! How was it my fault!?
Nicole: You're stressing her out can't you see that?!! I should've left you with your dad!
Iris: Well maybe you should've because I'm better off with him than I am with you! And grandma was perfectly fine before you came! We both were.
[ Iris goes up to her room to scream into a pillow. She flops herself on the bed.]
<Iris: I hope grandma is okay. I'll try to get Wesley to drive me to the hospital tomorrow. God, why is my mom even like this? I'm starting to think that she's the reason why my dad left...>
[ its the next day, around lunch time, Wesley and Iris are at the hospital visiting Christy.]
Wesley: How are you Miss Blackwell?
Christy: I'm fine, dear. The doctor said that my blood pressure was up and I was stressed.
Iris: I'm sorry I stressed you out... it's all my fault.
Christy: It's not your fault, baby. *turns to Wesley* can we have a minute, please?
Wesley: Yes, ma'm. *leaves the room*
Christy: Your mom just worries me and when I found out that Steve touched you, my heart dropped to my feet. Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Iris: ...Because he... he said if I ever told anyone that he would do something bad to my mom. That whole time I was protecting her, but even when I told her what happened, as you can see, she doesn't believe me.
Christy: well I believe you, honey. Your mom said that Steve is jail, so you have nothing to worry about.
Wesley: *bursts into the room* Iris! They have your favorite candy, chocolate crunch bar!
Iris: *gasp* they have the C.C. bar?!?
Wesley: yeah they have other flavors too!
Christy: *to Iris* you two go ahead and go back to school.
Iris: okay. *kisses her on the cheek* I love you grandma.
Christy: I love you too sweetie.
[ Peter and Ella are on their way to Ella's house once more after school.]
Peter: do we always have to come here? At this point, I can buy you new clothes.
Ella: I just came to get a few more things. And your mom is so nice for letting me stay in the guest room.
Peter: yeah yeah yeah yeah.
[ Peter pulls up to the sidewalk.]
Peter: take your phone this time! We don't need a close call again.
Ella: Alright alright. Geez, you're more scared of him than I am.
Peter: I'm not scared... I'm just cautious.
Ella: *sarcastic* right.
[ since nobody's home. She goes inside the house, up to her room and starts to grab more clothes. As she's packing, she gets distracted by a picture of her mom.]
Ella: *to herself* I miss you, mom. I think about you everyday...
[ Peter is connects his headphones to phone.]
Peter: seems like she'll be a while.
[ He starts to blast music and after a while Mr. Slade pulls up in the drive way. When he walks in the house, he slams the door, scaring Ella. She panics so she hurries to the window to open it and the it's nailed shut.]
Ella: *whispers* did he seriously nail the window shut? What a douche.
[ She hears his footsteps walk up the stairs. He walks into his bedroom then collapses on the bed with a beer bottle falling out of his hand. Ella opens her door then tip toes down the stairs then makes her out the door and into Peter's car.]
Ella: *feels for her phone* where the heck is my phone? Please don't tell me it's in the house. *gets Peter's attention* peter, I don't have my phone.
Peter: you want me to call your phone?! Sure I'll call it!-
Ella: No, Peter-
[ Her phone is ringing on her bed. Mr. Slade gets up.]
Mr. Slade: who is it?! *holds a shoe next to his bed to his ear* hello? HELLO?
[ He gets up to find where the ringing is coming from, he goes into Ella's room. Ella takes the headphones off of Peter.]
Ella: Peter my phone is in the house and my step dad is in there!
Peter: ooohhh shoot!! My bad, El.
Ella: what are we gonna do now?
Peter: okay here's the plan; I can pretend to play a sails men who's interested in buying his truck while you sneak into the house. There's gotta be a back door somewhere right?
Ella: yeah there is.
Peter: perfect.
Ella: what are you going to wear? Like do you have a suit or something?
Peter: I do, actually.
[ Peter gets changed into a business suit and fake glasses.]
Peter: how do I look?
Ella: you look surprisingly different.
Peter: Cool! You ready?
Ella: lets do this.
[ Ella hides behind a bush that's around the house. Peter rings the doorbell.]
Peter: *clears throat* time to put my acting skills to work.
Mr. Slade: *opens the door* what.
Peter: Hello, Mr. Slade, I'm here on behalf of a car retail business. I was wondering if you'd want to sell your truck for say... about 100k?
Mr. Slade: Not interested.
[ Ella goes through the back door. As Mr. Slade closes the door, Peter stops him.]
Peter: Hold on there, Mr. Slade. I see you have another truck there? It's looks pretty old and I'd be happy to take it off of your hands.
Mr. Slade: Well, I have been trying to get rid of it, but people just don't wanna buy it. It's a good truck... besides the bad battery, the old engine, and the broken tail lights.
Peter: ...Right. Ummmm, I'll take it for...
[ Ella grabs her phone then goes back down stairs then out the back door. She signals to Peter that she has her phone.]
Mr. Slade: I guess I'll let you have for-
Peter: on second thought, you can keep it. *rushes to his car* I'll just have my people call your people and we'll settle it from there.
Mr. Slade: whatever. *slams the door*
[ Ella gets in the car.]
Ella: you did great back there.
Peter: thanks, but don't let it happen again... that guy reeks of cigarettes,liquor, and butt!
Ella: *laughs*
[ Iris and Nicole are sitting at the table together eating.]
Iris: Is Steve really in jail?
Nicole: Yes.
Iris: What happened?
<Iris: I know grandma already told me, but I wanna hear what my has to say.>
Nicole: He got busted with cocaine on him. Just before that, he told me to go to the store to get more stuff.
Iris: So, what happened to Krystal?
Nicole: At the time, she was with me and when we got back to the house, she saw the cops then made a run for it. After that day, I haven't seen her since.
[ Nicole's phone rings.]
Nicole: Hello? Who's this? Oh my god, Krystal?! Where are you? Okay I'm on my way.
Iris: what's going on?
Nicole: I have to go back to Aspen. Krystal's in trouble.
Iris: let me go with you-
Nicole: No! You have to stay here with grandma when she gets home from the hospital. I'll be back and I'll have Krystal with me.
[ The next day, after school, a truck pulls up and a man helps Christy our the car.]
Christy: thanks for dropping me off.
Dr. Bertini: My pleasure Miss Blackwell.
Christy: Please, call me Christy.
[ Iris opens the door to let them in.]
Christy: Hey, baby, how was school?
Iris: it was good.
Dr. Bertini: *smiles* Hi, you must be Iris. Your grandmother told me a lot about you. I'm Dr. Bertini.
Iris: it's nice to meet you. *smiles*
Dr. Bertini: Likewise. Well, I have to get going; I have a case in an hour. Christy, you have my number, call if anything goes wrong or if you have any more questions. Both of you have a great rest of your day.
Iris and Christy: you too.
[ Dr. Bertini leaves.]
Iris: wow, grandma he's nice.
Christy: I know right! He's been such a sweetheart to me at the hospital.
Iris: alright! Do your thing grandma!
[ they give each other a high five. Nicole knocks on the door. When Iris answers, the Nicole rushes in with Krystal.]
Iris: Omg, what happened!
[ Krystal's face is bloody and bruised.]
Nicole: Iris, call the ambulance!
Krystal: No! No ambulance!
Iris: Who did this you??
Krystal: It- it's Steve.
Christy: Steve?! I thought he was in prison?!
Krystal: he- he's out.
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