Episode 13 "The Halloween Party Pt.1"

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[ A month passes by and Iris is still trying to get used to Wesley not being there by her side

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[ A month passes by and Iris is still trying to get used to Wesley not being there by her side.]
Ella: Hey, Iris!
Iris: Hey, what's going on?
Ella: The Crimson's are having a Halloween party on Saturday and I think we should go.
Iris: Uuuummm-
Ella: Come on, Iris. You've been M.I.A for the past month. You need to get out.
Iris: I don't know-
Ella: No, Iris! You're going to this party! And we're going to have a good time!
Iris: Okay okay, I'll go.
Ella: Yes!
Iris: So Peter isn't going?
Ella: He's at home with a stomach virus and him being around liquor and not having to drink it will have him in his feelings so he's staying at home.
Iris: So it's just me and you?! Cool!
Ella: I know right! It'll be our first girls night out! EEEEEE, I'm so excited!!
[ Solana walks up to them.]
Solana: Hey, you two are definitely invited to the party on Saturday! Ella, I have your number so I'll text you.
Ella: Sounds great.
Solana: Cool, I'll see y'all then.
[ Michelle walks up to them.]
Michelle: Solana, where's my invitation?
Solana: It got lost in the mail.
Michelle: What?
Solana: Yeah. Let me break it down in case you don't understand *clears throat* you're not invited.
Michelle: why? I thought we cool!?
Solana: No, we've never been cool and you know this. *turns to Iris and Ella* Looking forward to seeing y'all *winks then walks off*
Michelle: Ugh! What a b*tch!
Ella: you're the one to talk.
[ Ella and Iris start laughing.]
Michelle: Whatever!
[ Its night time, Ella and Iris are in her room trying to figure out what costumes they should wear.]
Ella: How about sexy nurses?
Iris: That's a little revealing, don't you think?
Ella: Mmmm, you right. How about sexy zombies?
Iris: We need something that's gonna hide our face.
Ella: why?
Iris: I don't know, I guess I like the mystery of it all?
Ella: okay. So we go as sexy nurses, but we were face mask.
Iris: Fine. *giggles*
[ Ella and Iris arrive at the Crimson's house. They walk in and they out did themselves on the decorations. It was dark with orange and purple lights and even the ground was covered in smoke.]
Ella: wow.
Solana: *walks up to them* Heeyyyy, I'm so glad you guys made it! Do y'all want a drink? The punch is amazing.
Ella: Yeah!
Solana: okay follow me.
[ Solana guides Ella and Iris to the punch bowl in the kitchen.]
Solana: We're going to have pizza coming in an hour so just help yourselves to some popcorn balls.
Iris: thank you!
Solana: no problem, y'all enjoy!
[ Solana goes off to enjoy the rest of the party. River walks up to them.]
River: Hey! What's going on? I'm glad you two came.
Ella: Yeah hi.
River: Damn why are you holding grudges *laughs*
Ella: Because I can.
River: okay.
Ella: Iris, I'll be by the pool if you need me.
[ Ella walks off.]
River: *turns to Iris* So how you been?
Iris: I've been okay. You?
River: Waiting on you to text or call me. I worry about you.
Iris: Why?
River: Because you never answer my text.
Iris: I've just been taking some time...
River: it's fine. *smiles* I understand. Do you wanna dance?
Iris: Sure.
[ River grabs Iris's hand and leads her to the dance floor. Honey There's No Time by Feng Suave begins to play. In slow motion, everyone is vibing to the music under the purple lights.]
<Iris: As we danced, he would hold me close. He has a warm presence even when his skin is cold. Will I finally forget about you know who and move on? And except the fact that he'll never be coming back? I don't know. I guess we'll have to see, but for now, I'm enjoying to mood.

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