Episode 21 "Miss Me?"

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Iris: *to Wesley* Are you serious? You come back and get with Michelle out of all people?Wesley: Why are you pressed? Don't you have your own little boyfriend over there?Iris: What happened to-Michelle: Get lost, puppy dog, he's with me now![ Wesl...

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Iris: *to Wesley* Are you serious? You come back and get with Michelle out of all people?
Wesley: Why are you pressed? Don't you have your own little boyfriend over there?
Iris: What happened to-
Michelle: Get lost, puppy dog, he's with me now!
[ Wesley turns into Carmen.]
River: *shocked* Wow, I did not see that coming.
Carmen: How do you like it?
Iris: Carmen?!
Carmen: Doesn't feel good being heartbroken does it?
Michelle: *turns to Carmen in shock* Wait, so you're not Wesley?
Carmen: Sorry, baby.
Michelle: *disappointed* Awww man! That's not cool... Like at all!!
Carmen: You'll get over it!
Iris: Why?
Carmen: Why? Because you played me, Iris!
Iris: No, I didn't! I didn't cheat nor did I-
Carmen: But you led me on! You had me thinking that we could be something!
Iris: I'm sorry that you feel this way, but why couldn't you come talk to me? Instead you did all of this!
Carmen: I wanted revenge! And now that I've got it, you don't have to worry about me anymore.
Iris: Well, I'm glad you got what you've wanted.
[ Iris and River get in the car then drive off.]
River: You still have feelings for him and that's okay.
Iris: I'm sorry. When I saw them together, I-
River: I don't think this is going to work out?
Iris: What? We just got together-
River: Yeah, but we can't be together if you're still stuck on him. It's not healthy.
Iris: Alright. Fine.
River: I still have feelings for you, Iris. But if you can't get over Wesley and see that he's changed and moved on-
Iris: Yeah I know.
River: Maybe it's for the better?
Iris: *looks at him* Yeah, maybe it is.
River: Can we be friends?
Iris: Sure.
[ On the rest of the way to Iris' house, it's an awkward silence. They soon make it there. Iris gets out of the car without saying anything.]
River: *roles window down* Have a good night!
Iris: Whatever.
[ Iris slams the door behind her.]
Iris: Grandma, I'm home!
[ She reads a note on the fridge that says "Hey, sweetie, I will be working late today. There's food in the fridge. I'll be home soon! Love you, hon! - Grandma".]
Iris: *to herself* I'm not hungry.
[ She goes upstairs, flops down on the bed, then starts to listen to music. "Dream Girl" by Crisaunt plays. After and hour of listening to music, she gets a text from her dad.]
Dad: Hey, honey. I'll be on my way back to Brookshire in a couple of days. Be sure to get all your things packed and ready to go. Love ya.
[ Iris gets up and starts to pack extra clothes and accessories. She hears a knock at the door.]
Iris: *checks the time on her phone* I'm not in the mood for visitors.
[ She hears a voice outside of her window. She opens it.]
Wesley: Miss me?

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