Episode 15 "Grassland"

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[Roman is drunk so he tries to focus his eyes on what's in Steve's hand

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[Roman is drunk so he tries to focus his eyes on what's in Steve's hand.]
Roman: What are you gonna shoot me?
Steve: I would, but you're not who I want hurt.
[Steve tries to walk, but Roman stops him.]
Roman: Get out.
Steve: Move or I will shoot you.
Roman: You won't do it.
[Steve shoots Roman in both knee caps bringing him down to the ground.]
Roman: You shot me! When I heal, I'm gonna-
Steve: *Hits Roman across the face with the gun* You talk too much, big guy.
[Everyone in the party start to scatter, he fixes his eyes on Nicole, aims his gun then shoots.]
Iris: NO!!! *jumps in front of Nicole taking the bullet in the stomach*
[ Iris falls in Nicole's arms.]
Nicole: No no no no no! Come on, Iris, stay with me! Stay with me! HELP! SOMEBODY GET HELP!!
[ Krystal and Ella are by her side. Steve realizes what he's done then leaves.]
[ Iris's eyes start to fade until there's complete darkness.]
[ In Iris's conscience, she's in a grassland, it's sunny, but the sky is gray. She looks around to see a person standing in the distance. She walks up to the person.]
Iris: Excuse me?
[ The person turns around and it's Wesley.]
Iris: *leaps in his arms to hug him* Oh my gosh, Wesley, I thought I wasn't going to see you again.
Wesley: *stands there with a blank look* Wake up.
Iris: What?
Wesley: Wake up. I need you to wake up.
Iris: Wes, I'm already awake.
Wesley: Wake up, Iris!
[ It starts to rain and Wesley's face begins to melt.]
Wesley: Wake up, Iris! You gotta wake up!!!
[ Everything fades away. Iris slowly opens her eyes. Nicole rushes to her side.]
Nicole: Oh thank God you're okay!
[ Christy gets the doctor. Dr. Bertini walks in.]
Dr. Bertini: Iris, you are one very lucky person.
Iris: How so? How long was I out?
Dr. Bertini: Firstly, the bullet didn't hit any organs or blood vessels and you've been out for about two weeks.
Iris: Two weeks? Time flies... it feels like I just got shot yesterday.
Dr. Bertini: *chuckles* I'm happy you have a sense of humor in all of this, Iris. And from now on, take it easy on yourself because you don't want the stitches to reopen.
Christy: When are we going to be able to go home?
Dr. Bertini: I'd say for another four to five days, so she can walk around and build her strength back up.
Christy: What can she eat?
Dr. Bertini: Just to be safe, I would have her on smoothies and other soft foods.
Iris: Can I have fries?
Dr. Bertini: Yes, you can.
Iris: Yes!
Nicole: Okay, thank you so much Doctor Bertini.
Dr. Bertini: My pleasure.
[ Dr. Bertini leaves the room. Krystal, Ella, and Peter walk into the room.]
Krystal: Hi, everyone!
Peter: Hey, Iris! How ya doing? I brought you some candy!
Ella: I brought you Starbucks!
Iris: I've missed you guys so much!
Peter: You've missed us? We've missed you! Hanging out just wasn't the same without you.
Iris: Aawww, I'm glad you guys came and thank you for the candy and coffee.
[ Iris looks around the room and a huge bouquet of flowers catches her eye.]
Iris: Grandma?
Christy: Yes, dear?
Iris: Who brought the flowers?
Voice: I did.

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