Episode 16 "Unexpected Visitor"

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[ Everyone looks to the doorway

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[ Everyone looks to the doorway.]
Nicole: Isaiah?
Isaiah: I made the flowers anonymous because I knew you wouldn't have accepted them.
Christy: *excited* Isaiah! *gives him a hug* How's my favorite son in law doing? It's been a long time.
Nicole: This is so unexpected.
Isaiah: I've been good, how about you?
Christy: Good, I've been good! It's nice to see you.
Isaiah: Its great to see you too, Christy.
Iris: Dad?
Isaiah: Heeyy!! Baby girl! *walks to her side and holds her hand* I've missed you.
Iris: How could you miss me when you left me?
Isaiah: It wasn't my fault.
Peter: I think we're going to go to the cafeteria.
Ella: Yeah, we're feeling kind of hungry.
Krystal: I'll go with them.
[ Ella, Peter, and Krystal leave the room so Iris can have privacy with her parents.]
Christy: I'm going to leave too.
Nicole: Mom?
Christy: Nuh-uh Nicole, handle this by yourself. *leaves*
Nicole: *turns to Isaiah* What are you doing here? Who even told you about what happened?
Isaiah: Why does it matter? She's my daughter and I have every right to know what's going on!
Nicole: Why do you care all of a sudden?
Isaiah: Nicole, I have always cared about Iris! You're the one who kept her from me the past ten years! You forced me to leave when I wanted to stay!
Nicole: Don't put this on me!
Isaiah: Why shouldn't I? You're the one who got on drugs and when I tried to take Iris and give her a better life, you said no!
Iris: *to Nicole* Mom, is he telling the truth?
Nicole: *hesitates* Uuh- *sighs* Yes, what he's telling you is true.
Iris: Oh wow.
Nicole: I just-
Isaiah: No, there's no excuse. I'm taking Iris with me to Connecticut.
Nicole: No!
Isaiah: Yes! Every time she's with you, something ends up happening! And when I catch that Steve guy I'm going to yank all of his fingernails off one by one!
Nicole: You can't take her!
Isaiah: Let's ask her and whatever she decides, we're going to support her decision. So, Iris, do you want to come with me or stay here with your mom?
Iris: I can't just pack my stuff and leave; I have my friends and I have college to think about.
Isaiah: You can go finish your senior year in Connecticut and you can choose whatever college you want to go to. Plus you get to meet your stepmom and your little brother and sister.
Nicole: How are you going to pay for her college?
Isaiah: I'm a doctor making over 300,000 dollars a year, so she's set.
Iris: I'll have to think about it. I kind of don't want to leave grandma behind. She's my rock.
Isaiah: I understand, so whenever you want to see her, we'll fly you down here or we'll fly Christy up to Connecticut. But, pumpkin, take all the time you need. I want what's best for you.
[ Days later, Iris is in her room getting her bags packed so she could be ready to leave with her dad.]
Christy: *walks in her room* You need any help?
Iris: Yeah, I just want to make sure I have everything.
Christy: Okay. Did you get your soap and hair products?
Iris: Oh! Let me go get them.
[ As Iris is going to the bathroom the door bell rings.]
Iris: I'll get it!
[ She runs down stairs to open the door.]

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