Episode 8 "The Boy with the Dragon Tattoo"

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[ Iris looks up at the sky and Bryson, Alex, Jeff, Michelle, and Vonnie turn around and look up at the sky. They can't believe their eyes.]
[ This bewitching blue and emerald colored dragon appears in the night sky. As everyone except for Iris begins to run, the dragon blows fire from his breath. Bryson, Alex, and Jeff butts catch a fire as they're running away.]
Bryson: AAAAAHHHH MY A**!!!!
Alex: *pats his butt* HOT HOT HOT!!!
Jeff: *blows on his butt* PUT IT *blow* PUT IT OUT!!!!
[ Michelle and Vonnie turn into tiny fairies and fly away.]
<Iris: what the hell is going on?!??!!>
[ the dragon sweeps Iris off her feet then takes her back to Monroe Park. The dragon puts Iris gently on the ground. The dragon goes behind some bushes, go into their human form, then walks out.]
Iris: Wesley?! *looks down* omg, you're naked!! *looks away*
Wesley: oh shoot! *grabs two bushes to cover his privates* I'm sorry.
Wesley: I was going to tell you before we got rudely interrupted by a jacka** and his two apes!
Iris: I can't believe this!
Wesley: well believe it because I'm not the only one who has secrets. But anyway, can we go to my house? It's getting cold out here.
[ Wesley and Iris are in his room.]
Iris: where are your parents?
Wesley: So there's a few things you need to know about me. First, I'm a dragon. Second, I never knew my parents. Third, I live with my older brother, his name is Hayes; He's out with friends right now.
Iris: Why haven't you told me before?
Wesley: the dragon part was supposed to be kept a secret, and you never asked.
Iris: Hold on, from the beginning you said you open doors for ladies because that was how your were raised, so who raised you if you never knew your parents?
Wesley: My grandparents, but they died when I was ten.
[ As Wesley is putting on a shirt, Iris looks at the huge dragon tattoo on his back.]
Iris: So, how are you... A dragon?
Wesley: I don't know. I've been trying to search for answers, but I've had no luck. At this point, I just stopped caring and accepted who I am.
Iris: maybe one of your parents was a dragon? What about your older brother, is he one?
Wesley: Yeah, Hayes is a dragon.
Iris: how long has this been happening?
Wesley: welp, I found out I was a dragon after my grandparents died.
Iris: and the tattoo?
Wesley: Hayes told me that it's a tradition to get a dragon tattoo at sixteen. He said he knew our parents. Are you done asking questions?
Iris: yeah. I think I'm gonna go home.
Wesley: let me drive you.
[ while they're on their way to Iris's house there's silence in the truck.]
Wesley: Iris, I hope you don't look at me differently. I'm still going to be here for you and I'm still going to be a loyal person in your life.
Iris: Wes, a lot of things have happened tonight...
Wesley: I know but I don't want me being who I am to jeopardize our friendship.
Iris: I need some time to process this whole thing, but I accept you as you are.
[ Wesley pulls up to the sidewalk.]
Wesley: see you in the morning?
Iris: Yeah... of course. *gets out the truck* good night.
Wesley: good night.
[ The next day, Iris wakes up.]
Iris: *to herself* was yesterday a dream? It has to be because there's no way that mythical creatures are real.
[ She gets ready for school then walks down stairs.]
Iris: good morning, grandma. *opens the icebox*
Christy: good morning, sweetie.
Voice: good morning, baby.
Iris: *turns around* mom?
Episode 9 coming soon!

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