Ep. 6 "Fox Fight"

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[ Iris jumps up from the bed.]
Iris: Man, I'm hungry! The munchies ain't no joke.
Carmen: Ha! You got that right! Let's go get some food!
[ Iris and Carmen rush down the stares to the kitchen and Robyn is there with ten boxes of pizza.]
Carmen: *hugs Robyn* you are the best sister everrrrrr!!! *takes a huge bite of her pizza slice*
Sula: She's lying. Everyone knows I'm the best sister.
Robyn: umm, no! Carmen and Seth say that I am the best sister because I'm always chill.
Sula: you? Chill? Please, don't make me laugh!! You get worked up over a piece of string that's dangling from a shirt
Robyn: Gosh, Sula, you know I have moderate OCD! *gets in Sula's face* but I bet I can still take you down.
Sula: *takes a sip of her drink* I eat fairies like you for breakfast.
[ Seth gets in between them while Carmen and Iris are chowing down on cheese pizza.]
Seth: there's only one way to settle this; GIRL FIGHT!!!!!
[ everyone in the house starts yelling "YEAAAAAAHHHHH"]
[ Ella is still outside trying to figure out what's coming towards her.]
Ella: you know what? I'm gonna back in the house. I'm too drunk for this sh*t.
[ Someone grabs her arm.]
Ella: *starts to pray* oh lord, please...
Roman: I'm starving.
Ella: *turns around*
Roman: *shows his fangs* Bon Apetit.
Ella: *screams*
[ Carter steps in between Roman and Ella.]
Carter: Roman, you know we don't drink humans blood.... *looks at Ella then back to Roman* Anymore. Come on, I'm sure they got food inside.
[ Carter and Roman go inside the house. Solana walks up to Ella.]
Solana: Sorry about my brothers, they can come off very weird but I swear we're cool people.
River: *to Ella* Hey, I wanted to apologize about what happened in the parking lot the other day.
Ella: oh it's fine, dude. Me and Iris are good.
River: where's Iris?
Ella: She's in the house.
[ River walks in the house.]
Solana: *puts her arm around Ella* let's go get you some food.
[ when they walk in, Robyn and Sula are have a wrestling match on two mattresses in the living room. Robyn spears Sula, Sula clothes lines Robyn, Sula puts Robyn in a submission hold, then Robyn power slams Sula. Robyn covers Sula then Seth counts, " ONE, TWO-" Sula kicks out. Sula puts Robyn in a sharpshooter for a 10 seconds.]
Peter: *to Wesley* my money's on Sula.
Wesley:  nah, dude Robyn's gonna come back.
[When Robyn doesn't tap, Sula goes further back on her spine when finally Robyn taps out.]
Seth: *Raises Sula's arm* AND YOUR WINNER IS SULLAAAAA!!!!!
[ Everyone is yelling and having a good time.]
Robyn: *gets up then hugs Sula* I'll kick your butt one day.
Sula: Ha! That'll be the day hell freezes over.
[ they both laugh.]
River: *walks up to Iris* hey.
Iris: hi.
River: I know that I came off as a douche the other day and I'm sorry. That's not like me and I'm really into you.
Iris: oh, I'm fine about what happened the other day...
[ Carmen is talking to someone she notices River and Iris talking.]
[ its 1:15am, Iris walks in the house then quietly goes to her room.]
Iris: *flops down on the bed* ugh...
Christy: *walks in her room* hey, sweetie, how was the party?
Iris: it was fantastic; we played games, we smoke, they drank... it was the best party I've ever been to.
Christy: I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, baby.
[ as Christy is walking out Iris stops her.]
Iris: grandma?
Christy: yes?
Iris: have you ever been curious... about your sexuality? You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable.
Christy: *sits on Iris's bed* oh yeah! Back in my day, when I was your age, I had to find myself and explore. It's okay to kiss a girl or two... or three *laughs* it's all a part of growing up. So, did you smooch someone?
Iris: you know that Katy Perry song "I kissed a girl and I liked it"?
Christy: yeah?
Iris: well, that's exactly what happened.
Christy: *laughs* you are just like me when I was younger; trying to figure out who I am, and where I wanna be. Let me tell ya, you are going to be just fine. *smiles*
Iris: *smiles* thank you for being understanding, grandma.
Christy: you're welcome, pumpkin. *starts to leave the room*
Iris: I love you.
Christy: I love you too.
Episode 7 coming soon!

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