Episode 14 "The Halloween Party pt 2"

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[ After a few more drinks

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[ After a few more drinks. Ella gets sloppy drunk and ends up in the bathroom. Iris and River are in his room talking.]
River: Hey, do you want a perc?
Iris: naah, I'm done with the pills thing. I don't wanna get addicted to that stuff.
River: you won't be addicted-
Iris: that's easy for you to say, you're a vampire! *laughs* But you go ahead. I'm going to stick to liquor.
River: Alright. *takes a Percocet*
Iris: By the way, how old are you?
River: I am 237? I kind of lost count after 100.
Iris: Dang, you an old man! Like an old old man! *laughs* I'm going to check on Ella.
[ Nicole and Krystal are at a gas station getting snacks and beer.]
Nicole: Haha, I hope we don't get a beer belly.
Krystal: Hm, if we keep drinking beer like this, we will.
[ A familiar truck catches Nicole's eye.]
Nicole: Hey, doesn't that truck look familiar to you?
Krystal: *looks at the truck* No?
[ The both of them go to the register to pay. A man gets out of the truck with a cigarette in his mouth. He walks in.]
Nicole: Oh my god, Krystal.
Krystal: what? Nicole what is it?
Nicole: we gotta go now.
Krystal: okay, but I have to pay-
Nicole: forget about it. We have to go now!
[ Krystal and Nicole hurries out the gas station.]
Krystal: Nicole, what's going on!?
Nicole: Steve.
Krystal: Steve? What about him?!
[ Steve hears Krystal's voice, he turns around to them then he rushes out the store.]
Steve: Krystal? Nicole?
[ Nicole and Krystal start to run. Steve gets in his truck to chase after them.]
Nicole: The one day we want to walk to the store!
Krystal: I told you it wasn't a good idea!
[ Iris is tending to drunk Ella.]
Ella: Tonight was awesome!
Iris: *gets a cold towel to put on Ella's face* yeah, it was great!
Ella: Iris?
Iris: Yeah? *places the cold towel on Ella's forehead*
Ella: *slurs words* You are the bestest friend I have everrrr had!
[ Solana barges into the bathroom.]
Solana: Y'all need to hide! The cops are here!
Ella: Huh? The cops?
Solana: Yeah! Hide in my room, come on.
Ella: Iris, I can't move.
Iris: That's alright. Sos, help me.
[ Iris and Solana puts both of Ella's arms around their necks. They take her to Solana's room then place her on the bed. Everyone else in the house hides.]
Solana: I'll be right back.
[ Solana goes back down stairs.]
Policemen: Ma'm there's been a complaint of loud music. Is everyone here above the age of 18?
Solana: Well, everyone here is above 21, sir.
Policeman: Well, alright. I'm going to let y'all slide... consider this a warning.
Solana: Thank you sir. Would you like a beer?
Policeman: I usually don't drink on the job, but alright.
Solana: *tosses him a beer*
Policeman: Thanks. Y'all take care.
[ Krystal and Nicole are still running and ends up in a neighborhood they don't recognize.]
Krystal: Nicole, where are we?!
Nicole: I don't know, but we have to keep running.
[ They see the Crimson's house.]
Nicole: Maybe they'll help us.
[ Nicole and Krystal walk into the house. People are partying and having a good time. Iris comes down stairs with Ella.]
Iris: Mom?
Nicole: Iris?
Iris: Mom, what are you doing here?
Nicole: It's Steve, he's after us.
[ Steve walks in the house. He looks around to see Nicole, Iris, and Krystal talking to each other. He starts to walk towards them when Roman stops him.]
Roman: Hey, dude you look a little to old to be here.
Steve: Excuse me?
Roman: You need to leave.
Steve: *pulls out his gun* Make me, jolly green giant!

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