Episode 18 "He's Perfect!"

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Iris: Well, he had it coming

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Iris: Well, he had it coming.
Christy: Yeah, you got that right. But the way they said that how his body was found... it's kind of strange. Hm, I'm sure they'll find out who did it.
[ Iris goes up to her room, puts on some headphones, flops down on the bed then starts listening to Tame Impala.]
<Iris> River seems like the perfect guy. Maybe even better than Wesley. Naaahhh, I shouldn't compare them. Both are really sweet guys. Guess I'll just have to see what the future holds.
[ The next day, Iris wakes up to the smell of waffles and bacon. After she does her morning ritual, she goes down stares to see her Isaac, Christy, and Nicole talking.]
Isaac: Good morning, sunshine.
Iris: Good morning, dad.
[ Iris sits down then Christy places a plate of food in front of her.]
Iris: Thanks, grams.
[ As Iris starts to eat, Isaac starts to talk to her.]
Isaac: So, uuhh, here's the deal; I have to go up to Connecticut without you for a couple of weeks. Surgical cases have increased and they need me at the hospital.
Iris: Can't I just come with you anyway?
Isaac: You see, I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. I want to get all of those cases out of the way so that we can all have a good time together.
Iris: Okay, I understand.
Isaac: You're not upset are you?
Iris: No, I'm fine. It'll give me a chance to spend more time with my friends before I leave.
Isaac: I WILL come back for you, sweet pea.
*looks at his watch* I have to go! *kisses Iris on the forehead* Thank you for the breakfast, Christy, it was amazing. I love you, Iris!
Iris: Love you too, dad!
[ Isaac leaves to catch his flight. Nicole turns to Iris.]
Nicole: He's not coming back for you. He straight up lied to you.
Iris: I believe him.
Nicole: I'm telling you, he's lying!
Christy: Damn it, Nicole, shut up! You're always speaking negatively about Isaac! He is a very good, wholesome man and you're just bitter that you pushed him away. You are not the daughter that I raised... I don't what's happened to you-
Nicole: I relapsed. I relapsed because both of you are just too much for me! I needed something to make me feel good and I don't want it to go away.
Christy: Get out. Get out of my house!
[ Nicole gets up.]
Nicole: Fine. Don't come looking for me.
Christy: We won't.
[ Nicole exits.]
[ Its 6:30pm, Iris and River are at the beach talking and cuddled up in blankets. There's empty RVs around them while they're lying there.]
Iris: I've always wanted to rent one of those.
River: An RV?
Iris: Yeah, maybe because I've never went camping.
River: What? Okay, how about I take you camping in an RV for our next date?
Iris: Really? I'd love that!
River: Anything to bring a smile on your face.
<Iris> Awww! He's literally perfect!
[ They stargaze for a little bit.]
Iris: So, I really want to know how you became a vampire.
River: *pauses* Alright. I actually got turned by my dad who's not really my dad. I called him dad because he's taught me a lot and ever since my parents died he's took me in. He's dead now; a crazy person put a wooden steak in his chest.
Iris: You seem very-
River: Nonchalant? It's because I've lost a lot of people throughout the course of my life and I'm used to it. It tough seeing all of the people you love die out.
Iris: I'm sorry.
River: No, it's fine. I just accept it, you know? Everyone has to go some day. Plus, I have my sisters and brothers, so I'm not as lonely as you think. *giggles*
Iris: That's great. I've always been the only child...
[ They continue to talk when something flies over their head. They hear foot steps getting closer and closer to them. They both look back to see Wesley.]
Iris: Wesley!?

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