Episode 23 "My Beautiful Dragon Boy" Season Finale

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[ Iris is getting ready to walk out of the door with her bags when Wesley, Ella, and Peter are standing outside

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[ Iris is getting ready to walk out of the door with her bags when Wesley, Ella, and Peter are standing outside.]
Wesley: *helps her with her bags* I'm going to miss you.
Ella: Yeah same here!
Peter: Saaaammee. It's a bummer that you're leaving so soon.
Iris: I'm going to miss all of you. I promise I'll keep in touch too.
[ Isaac pulls up in his rental car.]
Isaac: Ready, pumpkin?
Iris: Yep.
[ Wesley helps put her bags in the trunk. Then, Nicole pulls up in the passenger seat of someone's car.]
Christy: Who is that she's with?
[ Nicole walks up to Iris and she's drunk.]
Nicole: Ohhh, honey! *touches her face*
Iris: Don't touch me.
Nicole: Listen here, you selfish, ungrateful-
Isaac: Hey! *gets out of his car* Don't talk to her like that!
Nicole: So?! What are you gonna do, huh?! It's not like she has feelings.... she's a child!
Isaac: She is a young adult who is capable enough to make her own decisions!
Christy: Get outta here, Nicole!
Nicole: *To Iris* So, you're gonna leave me to go with your dad?! Okay, I see how it is!
[ Nicole storms off, gets in the car, then the person speeds off.]
Isaac: Come on, Iris. We don't wanna be late.
[ Isaac and Iris both hug Christy.]
Christy: You too take care.
[ Isaac gets back in his car. Iris takes a moment to say goodbye to her friends.]
Iris: *hugs Ella* I'll miss you, girl! I'm always here if wanna talk.
Ella: Same here, babe.
Iris:*hugs Peter* You're like the brother I've always wanted, but never had. Thank you.
Peter: *smiles* Anytime, sis.
Iris: Last, but not least, Wesley. *hugs him* My beautiful dragon boy.
Wesley: *giggles* I love you, Iris.
Iris: I love you too. So what does this mean for us? Are you down to do a long distance relationship?
Wesley: Of course, I can come see you anytime you need me. Plus, I don't have to pay for plane tickets.
Iris: *laughs* Okay. Take care of my grandma, now.
Wesley: Don't worry, I will.
[ "Eyes Without A Face" by Billy Idol starts to play in the background. Iris gets in the car then they drive off.]
<Iris: It's been a weird, but cool journey this year; I've learned a lot about myself, I've made new friends, I've seen things that I thought only existed in fairytale books... *sighs* Closing an old chapter and here's to starting a new one.> [The music in the background intensifies while the car is driving down a freeway.]

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