Episode 9 "Father Figure"

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Iris: mom, what are you doing here?
Nicole: I came to see you. *gets up from the table* come give me a hug.
Christy: Come hug your mom, please.
Iris: *gives her a hug*
Nicole: You don't miss me?
Iris: I came here to get away from you.
Nicole: *chuckles* But I'm your mom, you have to miss me!
Iris: *backs away*
Christy: Nicole, sit down, you're scaring her.
Nicole: *sits back down then takes a deep breath* I'm sorry, baby. *smiles* So where you going?
Iris: I'm going to school.
Nicole: Oh, you look nice... you've grown so much since I've seen you.
Iris: thanks. I can't say the same for you.
Christy: *to Nicole* how was therapy treating you?
Nicole: It was helpful. I've been clean for a couple of months and it's been a challenge.
Iris: don't you have anything to say to me?
Nicole: what?
Iris: Don't you have anything to say to me?  Like an "I'm sorry"
Nicole: for what?
Iris: So you're telling me you forgot all the stuff that you've done to me?
Nicole: Can we talk about this in private?-
Iris: No. We have to y'all about this now, I'm front of grandma.
Christy: Is there something I don't know about?
Iris: Tell her mom. *tears begin to form in her eyes* Mom, tell her!!
Nicole: I-
Iris: Tell her what he did to me!!! *tears fall down her face*
Nicole: I-
Iris: Since you act like you can't talk, I'll tell her myself! *turns to Christy* One of her coke filled ex boyfriends abused me! *cries*
Christy: Oh my god, Iris, why didn't you tell me sooner? I would've had that son of b*tch killed!! *turns to Nicole* I can't believe you let this happen!!
Nicole: *mad* The little slut knew what she was doing when he was around; the she dressed, the way she carried herself!! She knew she would attract men older than her!!
Christy: It doesn't matter how she dressed, it doesn't give NO MAN to touch my grand daughter like that!! You should be ashamed of yourself, Nicole!!
Nicole: I still think she's lying!
Iris: I'm not lying, mom! Why won't you believe me?!
[ Iris storms out the house. She calls River to come pick her up since Wesley is late. A few minutes later, she's in the car with River.]
River: what's wrong?
Iris: it's a long story.
River: you know, we don't have to go to school... We can go somewhere else and chill? How about my place?
Iris: what about your parents?
River: they're never home.
[ Once they get to his house, he gives her a tour of the house.]
Iris: wow, your house is really nice.
River: thanks, do you want anything to drink?
Iris: A water is fine.
[ Wesley pulls up to Iris's house. He hunks the horn three times and when he notices that Iris isn't coming out he walks up to the door, knocks and her mom opens it.]
Nicole: Hi, who are you here to see?
Wesley: good morning, ma'm I came to pick up Iris. Is she home?
Christy: *comes to the door* Hi, Wesley.
Wesley: Hello, Miss Blackwell. Where's Iris? I know I'm late, but I had some personal business to take care of.
Christy: I don't know. She stormed off when her and her mom had an argument. I thought she'd be with you?
Wesley: No, ma'm.
Christy: I'm sure she's already at school.
Wesley: okay, well I should get going. Have a good day, Miss Blackwell.
Christy: you too, honey.
[ Iris and River are in his room listening to Current Joys.]
Iris: So, where are your siblings?
[ Iris's phone begins to rings, it's Wesley, so she puts it on silence and ignores it.]
River: they're either drinking someone's blood or trying not to drink someone's blood.
Iris: Are you serious?
River: yeah, you didn't know? We're vampires.
Iris: Well, I guess I should've known that. The pale skin, the different colored eyes, and sparkles.
River: Waiiitttt a minute, we don't sparkle.*laughs*
Iris: *laughs* what do y'all do then?
River: well, we cover ourselves up like with hoodies, and stuff. And we like coming out during the fall and winter. Spring and summer? Mmmmmm not so much. I hope I'm not freaking you out or anything.
Iris: Oh no. I've seen and been through scarier things than vampires.
River: So, what was wrong with you back there? Did someone hurt you? Emotionally or physically?
Iris: emotionally, yes. Physically, not anymore.
<Iris: I don't wanna open up to him just yet because I barely know him. Plus, I don't like telling my business to complete strangers.>
River: You can tell me. *holds Iris's hand* I won't tell a soul.
<Iris: Although his hands are cold, there is something warm and kind about him.>
Iris: Uhh, I don't know.
River: Sometimes, it's good to let what's on your chest out to strangers... I mean, at the end of the day, it's not my place to judge.
Iris: You do have a point. *takes a deep breath* okay...
[ She explains what's going on to him and she also was ranting. An hour past.]
River: wow.
Iris: yeah, it's a lot. Honestly, it felt good getting that stuff off my chest... feels like a little bit of weight lifted off my shoulders. Thank you.
River: No worries. I will always be here to be a listening ear.
Iris: I really appreciate it.
River: What that man did you was wrong. Like how could you do that to a sweet girl like you?! I will never understand some men. Out of the 500 years that I've lived, I have to say that men didn't change much.
Iris: what makes you so different?
River: I respect women, I value women, I don't treat women like a piece of meat, I don't objectify them, and I cherish them.
Iris: That's rare.
River: trust me I know. I bet you can't name me one boy at our school who's like that.
Iris: Wesley.
River: who?
Iris: Wesley. You don't know him?
River: Nah, should I? I probably seen him around. Would you mind describing him for me?
Iris: His hair is short and curtain like. He has round glasses, he where's oversized, acid washed hoodies and sweaters. He also wears oversized pants, and he for shoes he either wears chuck taylors or vans.
River: I think I've seen him around.
Iris: hey, it's almost like you've changed since the parking lot convo.
River: Yeah, Solana really slapped someone since I'm me... I was a little drunk that night too, so I wasn't myself.
Iris: I think we should get going to school.
River: why? There's nothing wrong with skipping school every once in a while.
Iris: *pauses* yeah, you right.
[ River takes Iris's hand then leads her to his bed.]
River: Come relax. I won't bite. *shows his fangs*
[ River and Iris lie in the bed together looking at the ceiling and listening to music.]
River: Iris?
Iris: yeah?
River: You are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on.
Iris: Pssshhh, stop lying. *laughs*
River: *giggles* okay okay, maybe not the most beautiful, but it's been a very long time since I've had this feeling for someone.
[ they look at each other. They get closer and closer and when they were just about to kiss, Iris looks away.]
Iris: I can't.
River: Why? What wrong?
Iris: I'm stressed right now. *sigh* I just want some kind of escape.
[ Gets up from the bed then goes to his sock drawer. He pulls out a small sandwich bag that have blue pills inside. Forever by Labrinth begins to play.]
River: You want to escape from reality? Have a xanny.
Iris: I've never had a Xanax before.
River: It won't harm you unless you take too many at once, but one should do the job.
Iris: *sigh* Alright.
[ She takes the pill and River takes one with her.]
Iris: how long will it last?
River: about four hours. Just sit back and relax.
[ Iris's body sinks through the bed then she wakes up in a sunny flower field.]
<Iris: woah, what's happening?>
[ She gets up on her feet, she starts to feel the sun on her skin and she starts to touch the flowers all around her. She looks around to see a figure standing in the distance. She gets closer and closer and realizes it's River.]
Iris: River?
River: *turns around* Come with me.
[ He takes her hand then they jump into a huge rabbit hole.]
[ Wesley is at lunch with Peter and Ella.]
Peter: Yo, what's up with the ass and apes?
[ Ella and Wesley look over at their table and they're all shook up and looking at Wesley like they're terrified.]
Wesley: Looks like they seen a ghost... Or a dragon.
Peter: DUDE, they know you're a dragon?! What if they tell someone?
Wesley: mmmm, I doubt it.
Ella: Where's Iris? She's usually here.
Wesley: I don't know. I've tried calling her, but no answer.
Ella: you think we should look for her after school?
Wesley: I would but Hayes wants me to apply for a job to help around the house.
Peter: I'm sure she's fine.
Wesley: I don't know she seemed kind of shaken up when she saw me in dragon form.
Peter: eh, she'll get over it. I've seen a lot of messed up things in Brookshire and I'm perfectly fine.
Wesley: I wouldn't be too sure.
[ Iris and River are in universe where there's candy all over the place.]
Iris: this is some weird sh*t.
River: *looks at her like a snack* you look like a special treat.
Iris: River.
[ He steps closer and closer to her, he grabs her then he slowly bites her neck. She screams then she wakes up.]
Iris: AHHH!
[ She looks over to River and he knocked out sleep. She sneaks out of the house just in time before the rest of his siblings get home.]
Iris: what time is it? *looks at her phone* 6:45pm? Damn, time went by hella fast.
[ She looks at her notifications; five missed calls from Wesley, seven missed calls from Christy and ten missed calls from Carmen.]
Iris: *calls Wesley* hey.
Wesley: Iris, I haven't heard from you all day is everything okay?
Iris: yeah I'm fine. Can you pick me up from some where?
Wesley: I'm sorry I can't. My brother is wanting me to apply for some jobs.
Iris: oh okay. Well, I'll catch you later then.
Wesley: yeah for sure.
[ she then calls Carmen.]
Iris: Carmen! Hi!
Carmen: About time you call me. *laughs* what's up.
Iris: can you pick me up at Dark Widows drive?
Carmen: yeah, I'll be there in a sec.
[ Next thing you know, Carmen and Iris are back in her room.]
Iris: this room will forever be special to me.
Carmen: *chuckles* why?
Iris: Because our first kiss was here plus I smoke my first blunt here.
Carmen: ooohhh. Well there's a first for everything. So why don't you wanna go home? Not to be a downer but it is a school night.
Iris: I just don't feel like being home.
Carmen: *gets up from her bed* come on, I'm taking you home.
Iris: whyyy??
Carmen: it's a school night, Iris. Plus I care about you and your academic... life? So come on.
[ Carmen drops Iris off at home.]
Iris: thanks for caring.
Carmen: don't worry we'll have fun next time, I promise.
Iris: good night, Carmen.
Carmen: good night, Iris.
[ Iris walks in the house.]
Christy: where have you been? I've been calling your phone and it's not like you to pick up!
Iris: I was at a friends house. Don't worry, I'm fine, everything is fine.
Christy: how was school today?
Iris: I'm didn't go to school. I stayed a friends house, mom was stressing me out so bad that I had to take my mind off of it.
Christy: Don't miss school again.
[ Nicole comes out of the bathroom.]
Iris: *to Nicole* why are you still here?
Nicole: You know what? You are not about to talk to me like that! I birthed you-
Iris: yeah and that's all you can say. You "birthed me" but you didn't raise me! I grew up without a father figure!
Nicole: Steve was a father figure to you!
Iris: Mom! That man assaulted me and you did NOTHING! NOTHING!!!!
Nicole: Stop lying!!!! I'm sick of your lying!! I have you a roof over your head and clothes on your back-
Iris: that means NOTHING! If you aren't here for me mentally, then you are a screwed up mother!!
[ Iris and Nicole continue to argue when Christy starts holding her heart.]
Christy: Girls, stop arguing, please.
[ they continue to argue.]
Christy: *falls to the ground*
Iris: GRANDMA!!!
Episode 10!!! Coming soon😉

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