Episode 17 "I Was There"

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Iris: River, Sula, hi

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Iris: River, Sula, hi.
Sula: What's up Iris! We came over to check on you.
River: Yeah, how are you?
Iris: I'm good, I'm better than before.
River: I am so sorry about what happened to you, I should've never been that high to the point where I couldn't protect you-
Iris: It's fine, it's not your fault.
Sula: But we all feel guilty about it because it happened in our house. That's why we bought you this silver link chain.
[ Sula gives Iris the gift bag.]
Iris: Thanks, but I can't take this.
Sula: Why not? It's real.
River: And we told Carmen to put a protection spell on it.
Iris: Carmen... How is she?
River: She's good. Why?
Iris: I said some hurtful things to her and I feel really bad about it.
[ Sula's phone rings.]
Sula: Oh! It's Roman, I forgot I had to wax his back. Ugh, I swear this guy is half Werewolf! River, you can have the car.
[ Sula gives River the car keys then dashes away moving at the speed of light.]
Iris: This stuff is insane.
River: What is?
Iris: The whole vampire thing *takes a deep breath* I'm surprised I haven't lost my mind yet, ha.
River: Are you hungry? We can grab a bite?
Iris: Yeah, let me get my bag.
[ Iris goes back in the house.]
Iris: Grandma, I'm going out! I'll be back! Call if you need me!
Christy: Okay, sweetie! Have fun!
[ Its cold and rainy outside. River and Iris are at a cafe talking.]
River: So any plans for thanksgiving?
Iris: I don't celebrate thanksgiving.
River: Why?
Iris: Because of what the Caucasians did to the Native Americans.
River: Oh yeah, I was there when all that happened.
Iris: Wait, for real?
River: Yep; I told Christopher that we shouldn't go to the America's because you never how our immune systems would react plus it's a long way traveling by ship. *Takes a sip of coffee* Obviously, he didn't listen to me and when we finally got to the Americas, we interacted with the Natives, but some of the colonizers on board the ship had chickenpox, measles, you know?
Iris: Yeah.
River: I was only one who didn't have the diseases because I can't get sick. Anyway, I did my best to protect the Natives from those diseases and all the horrible things that were done to them. Christopher and his men didn't like it, so they killed me. As you can see I didn't die. *laughs*
Iris: Wow, I definitely want to hear more stories!
River: I have plenty. *snickers then takes a sip of coffee* Enough of me, how are you holding up?
Iris: I'm fine. I'm glad I'm having this time with you.
River: Why you say that? You going somewhere?
Iris: Yes, actually. I'm moving to Connecticut with my dad in a few days.
River: Aw man. I was hoping we could become a thing, you know? I really like you and I've never met anyone like you in a very long time.
Iris: I don't know if we could be together because you're a... vampire and I'm human-
River: So? I won't pressure you into becoming a vampire. Look, I will enjoy every single second with you even when you're aging.
*both laugh*
River: In all honesty, do whatever make you happy and I'm not rushing you. I have all the time in the world literally.
*both laugh*
[ River and Iris walk out of the cafe then takes her back home. They're on Iris's porch.]
River: How about we go to the beach tomorrow?
Iris: Beach? Isn't it too cold for that?
River: I'll bring the blankets and food. We can have a nice camp out.
Iris: Okay... I'm down.
River: Alright. I'll see you tomorrow.
[ River kisses her on the cheek. She enters the house with a big smile on her face.]
Christy: You fancy ole River, huh?
Iris: *giggles* Maybe.
Christy: I like him. He seems nice.
[ The news comes on.]
Reporter: Breaking news, there's a man who was found torn to shreds in a nearby park's ditch. The man seems to be identified as Steve Willis. We'll have more after the break.

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