EP. 3 "Golden Goose"

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[ River takes Iris's hand in his.]
River: I heard that you were new around here, welcome to Brookshire.
Iris: thanks. *takes her hand away from River*
River: *to Ella* you like what you see?
Ella: please, don't flatter yourself.
River: *to Iris* I seen you around school plus we have physics together. I think we would be good friends...very good friends.
Iris: ummm, yeah, I think we would too... Maybe?
<Iris: never mind, this dude is creepy.>
Solana: Jeez, River way to be a creep. Hey, I'm Solana. Don't mind him he's a little off.
Iris: I see.
[ Wesley and Peter rush to the parking lot.]
Peter: y'all ready to go?
Ella: yeah.
[ they all get in the car. As they drive off, Solana playfully punches River in the chest.]
[ its the next Wednesday, Wesley is in chemistry class when the teacher wants the student to partner up.]
Mrs. Juneberry: for this assignment, I'm going to need you all in parters so I assigned the parters for you. Brenda is with James, Phillip is with Allen, Wesley is with Michelle...
Wesley: *sigh*
Michelle: *sits next to Wesley* hey Wesley poo!
Wesley: don't call me that please.
Michelle: why not? Aren't we-
Wesley: no, we're not anything. And why all of a sudden you have a crush on me?
Michelle: not to sound shallow, but you had a glow up over the summer and you looking real good.
Wesley: thanks but I'm not interested.
Michelle: wow, it seems like that Iris girl really has you wrapped around her finger.
Wesley: she doesn't have me wrapped in anything. Can we focus on this assignment please? I don't wanna fail.
Michelle: alright. So who's house are we meeting at? Mines or yours?
Wesley: *he stressfully runs his fingers through his hair*
[ Peter and Ella are having a free period together, so they go to the library to talk.]
Peter: Ella, can I ask you a question?
Ella: yeah.
Peter: how long has your step dad been doing that to you?
Ella: Peter.
Peter: on second thought, you don't have to answer that-
Ella: no. It's fine. He's been abusing me ever since my mom left. He abused my mom, but when she left, he started to abuse me. He says I look like her.
Peter: where is she? I did notice she was gone since 9th grade, I just never bothered to ask.
Ella: she moved to another country...She said that she would come back for me, but she never did. *her eyes starts to tear up*
Peter: *puts his arm around her*
Ella: it makes me feel... like she didn't want me anymore. *sobs* is there something wrong with me? Am I not the daughter she wanted?
Peter: *lifts her head up to meet into her eyes* there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and I'm sure anybody would be lucky to have an awesome, kind, and beautiful daughter like you.
[ peter and Ella stare into each other's eyes. Pretty Little Birds by SZA plays. They get closer and closer until the share a kiss.]
Song: "I wanna be your golden goose, I wanna shave my legs for you, I wanna take all of my hair down and let you lay in it. spread all of my limbs out and let you lay in it"
[ Mr. Anderson pops up. The music stops playing.]
Mr. Anderson: Hey! No PDA in the library!
[ peter and Ella look up at him.]
Mr. Anderson: that's why we have staircases... *turns around then continues to finish his apple*
[ its after school, Iris, Wesley, Ella, and Peter are chilling by each other's vehicles. Iris goes to throw a water bottle in the trash and as she's heading back Carmen calls her over to their part of the parking lot.]
Carmen: Hey, new girl!
Iris: *looks over confused*
Carmen: *waves Iris to come to her*
Iris: *makes her way over to Carmen*
Carmen: we're having a party at our house this weekend and we're inviting you...
Iris: okay, can my friends go?
Carmen: *looks over at Wesley, Ella, and Peter* sure. Give me your number and I'll text you.
[ they exchange numbers then Iris makes her back to Wesley.]
Wesley: what did she want?
Iris: she invited us to a party.
Peter: that's rare.
Ella: yeah we never get invited to their parties.
Iris: oh, that's weird, y'all are really nice... I wonder what's up with that?
[ Michelle is looking at Iris.]
Michelle: *to Vonnie* what does Wesley see in her?
Vonnie: I mean she's pretty and she's smart.
Michelle: and how would you know?
Vonnie: She's in my math class... we were parters.
Michelle: you're supposed to be on my side.
Vonnie: I am, but that doesn't mean I have to dislike her like you. Besides, she didn't do anything.
Michelle: ugh!
[its Friday after school, Peter and Ella are making a stop by her house.]
Peter: are you sure you don't want me to go in there with you?
Ella: I'm sure. He's not home anyway.
Peter: oh good!
Ella: I'll be right back.
[ Ella slowly walks in the house. She goes to her room to pack more clothes. Peter is sitting in his car look enjoying the scenery of the neighborhood. He notices a truck pulling up into Ella's drive way. He calls her phone but her phone is in the passenger seat.]
Peter: damn it!
[ Mr. Slade gets out of the truck with a beer in his hand then stumbles inside the house. Ella pauses then goes to see who came inside the house.]
Ella: *feels for her phone* I need to call Peter. Shoot! Where's my phone!
Mr. Slade: *starts to walk up the stairs* Ella?! Ella, are you home?! *takes a sip of beer* if so, you need to come down here... we need to have a little talk.
Stay tuned for EP. 4!!!

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