EP. 4 "Party Time"

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[ Ella throws her bag of clothes outside her bedroom window

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[ Ella throws her bag of clothes outside her bedroom window.]
Mr. Slade: Ella!! I know you're here!
[ He works his way further and further up the stairs. He opens her bedroom door to her not there. He looks around then notices that the window was open.]
Mr. Slade: damn it! She got away again!!
[ Ella runs towards Peter's car.]
Ella: go go go!!!
[ Mr. Slade runs outside and chases the car a couple of houses down until he stops to catch his breath.]
Ella: *laughs* whew! That was a close one!
Peter: make sure you have your phone next time because that right there was a close call. Why did you need extra clothes anyway?
Ella: for the party tonight.
Peter: oh I forgot about that. Hey, don't you think it's weird that all of a sudden we get invited to a Fox party?
Ella: yeah, but we have fun even if we don't go to a Fox or a Crimson's party.
Peter: true, we do have more fun.
[ Iris is in her room getting ready for the party. Christy walks in.]
Christy: I hope you and your friends enjoy yourselves at the party.
Iris: thanks grandma. Oh! Is there any time you want me home by?
Christy: oh no child, enjoy yourself! And it's not a school night... just be careful. Though I'm sure Wesley will take care of you.
Iris: yeah he's a real gentleman like you said. By the way, how's work been for you?
Christy: it's been good; money's good, bills are good, everything is good so I'm happy. *smiles*
Iris: I'm happy that you're happy. *smiles*
<Iris: I'm glad my grandma is stressing about things and I'm glad there's nothing to stress about. She's always been a laid back person overall... I'm lucky to have her... she's truly the best.>
[ Wesley hunks his horn.]
Christy: that must be them!
[ they rush to the door.]
Christy: have a great time!!
Iris: thank again grandma!!
[ iris gets in the truck with Wesley, Ella, and Peter.]
Wesley: *to Iris* you look nice.
Iris: thanks, so do you.
Wesley: thank you, Iris. At least someone appreciates my largely fitted sweatshirts! *looks back at Peter*
Peter: what? You where oversized sweatshirts all the time.
Wesley: and you put too much hair gel in your hair, but you don't see me complaining.
Peter: hey, my hair looks nice!
Wesley: and so does my oversized sweatshirts.
Peter: *playfully* do you wanna fight? *starts to laugh* do you wanna catch these hands?
Wesley: trust me, you wouldn't stand a chance. *laughs*
[ before the party or anyone arrives, Carmen is trying to get everything cleaned and decorated.]
Carmen: Sula, can you come help decorate!?
Sula: I already cleaned so my work here is done.
Carmen: no it isn't, you still didn't dust.
Sula: why are you doing things the hard way.
[ Sula says a cleaning spell.]
Sula: dust dust dust away, may the house be clean today.
[ once she says the spell, everything in the house is spotless]
Sula: *to Carmen* you're welcome. *winks*
Robyn: *from the living room couch* mom said no magic in the house, Sula!
Sula: oh please, she's on vacation... it's not like she'll know.
Carmen: *to herself* that's it, I'm using the decoration spell.
[ she says the spell]
Carmen: decorate this house with theme, the most beautiful that they have ever seen.
[ as soon as the spell is said, there's fall themed decorations all over the house. There are pumpkin spice and apple cinnamon candles fuming the air.]
Carmen: *takes a long sniff of the aroma* that's more like it.
[ a few hours later, there's a lot of people at the Fox's house. There's loud music, people drinking, smoking, and having a good time. Wesley pulls up to the house.]
Peter: wow their house is huge!
Ella: wow it's a lot of people here.
[ they walk into the mansion.]
<Iris: When we walk in, there's a huge chandelier, when we go further, there's an indoor hot tub, we walk further; a gigantic pool, and another hot tub next to it.>
Wesley: wow, this is awesome.
[ Carmen walks up to them.]
Carmen: hi, welcome to my home. Do y'all want some drinks?
Iris: I'll just have water.
Wesley: I'll have some tea.
Ella: I'll have a margarita.
Peter: and I'll have a beer.
Carmen: okay, I'll take Iris to the kitchen. Wesley, the tea is in the cooler by the pool. Ella, the margaritas are being made by the out house which is by the pool. Lastly, Peter, the beers are next to the indoor hot tub.
[ Carmen wraps her arm around Iris's arm then heads to the kitchen.]
Carmen: *looks in the refrigerator* are you sure you want water? We have soda, juice, beer, whiskey, vodka...?
Iris: I'll stick with the water, I don't drink.
Carmen: oh come on, a little beer wouldn't hurt.
Iris: *shakes her head no* naahhh, I shouldn't.
Carmen: alright. *gives Iris a water bottle* let me show you around.
[ Carmen gives Iris a tour of the house.]
Carmen: ... and that's our home.
Iris: this house is really beautiful.
Carmen: *starts to admire Iris* there's another part of the house that I didn't get to show you. *she grabs a hold of Iris's hand leads her upstairs*
   Thanks for reading! Episode 5 coming soon!

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