Episode 11 "I'm Leaving"

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[ Iris, Nicole, Krystal, and Christy are sitting in the living. Krystal is holding an ice pack on the side of her face.]
Christy: how did he get out?
Krystal: He bailed himself out. Plus his lawyer was good.
Christy: well I'll be damn.
Iris: what do we do now? I'm sure he's looking for you!
Krystal: He's looking for the three of us.
Nicole: What!?
Iris: *starts to pace back and forth* Oh no, what are we going to do? Why does he wants us?
Krystal: When he found me, he was saying how he would find Nicole and that pretty little daughter of hers... He said that we can't get away from no matter how hard we try.
Nicole: Does he know where we are?
Krystal: no, when he asked where y'all were I said I didn't know, which I really didn't.
Iris: You think we should start moving out?
Christy: No. That bastard is NOT going to run my babies away!
[ Iris is at school in the hallway by her locker. Wesley walks up to her.]
Wesley: Hey, can we talk for a bit?
Iris: yeah.
Wesley: okay, so first of all how are you?
Iris: I'm making it. You?
Wesley: Not so good. Anyway, I came to tell you that I will be going away for a while...
Iris: why? What's going on?
Wesley: it's a long story. I don't know how long I'm going to gone and I will definitely miss you.
Iris: wait, do you have to go? I need to know how long you'll be gone because who will I talk too? Wes, you're my best friend... You've mad being here in Brookshire so great for me even though I've been here for a short amount of time.
[ Wesley's phone rings.]
Wesley: I have to go-
Iris: Wait!
[ Iris jumps in Wesley's arms giving him a hug.]
Iris: I love you.
[ A Dream of You by Far Caspian starts to play in the background.]
Wesley: I love you too.
<Iris: As we held each other, it felt like we were the only people on earth. Our heart beats match, the warm-ness, the intellect, the love...>
[ Flashbacks of Iris and Wesley start to play; them laughing, joking, looking at each other, and looking at the sunset together.]
Iris: Come back to me.
Wesley: I will.
[ As Wesley begins to walk away, another song starts to play; 12am Cereal by E.S.S. Wesley disappears as he gets further and further until he's not there anymore. Iris stands there with tears forming in her eyes.]
[ Time passes by, it's lunch and Iris is in the hallway while everyone else is in the cafeteria. River is walking from the restroom when he sees her. He walks over to her.]
River: Hey, what's up?
Iris: nothing.
River: are you sure? You can tell me anything you know that right?
Iris: I'm fine.
River: Iris.
Iris: I said I'm fine.
River: Alright, you have my number, so call me whenever you want.
[ River walks inside the cafeteria.]
[ Peter and Ella are in the janitors closet making out.]
Ella: you think we'll get caught?
Peter: Nope, nobody comes in here, not even the janitors.
[ Mr. Anderson is walking towards the janitors closet.]
Mr. Anderson: *to himself* I told that kid not to eat the fish and cheese from the cafeteria! Now I got to clean up his mess.
[ He opens the janitors closet.]
Mr. Anderson: OH LORD!! Not you two again! Why can't y'all do that after school!?
Peter: Sorry Mr. Anderson.
[ Peter and Ella hurry up and get out the closet.]
Mr. Anderson: Don't let me catch y'all again.
Peter: Yes, sir. You won't see us like that again.
Mr. Anderson: Whatever.
[ Peter and Ella walk off laughing.]
Peter: I'm glad we didn't do anything else.
[ Its the end of school.]
Carmen: *walks up to Iris* hey, do you need a ride home?
Iris: Nah, I'll just; I need to clear my head anyway.
Carmen: oh okay. You sure?
Iris: yeah, I'm good.
Carmen: Alright.
[ Iris is walking home while enjoying the scenery; Red and orange leaves falling down in people's yards, the gray and white sky, and the cool breeze. A rusted green truck pulls up beside her.]
Bryson: Hey, Iris. Need a ride? *snickers*

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