Ep. 1 "Soft Boy"

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[ Christy is in the kitchen making breakfast

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[ Christy is in the kitchen making breakfast.]

Christy: Iris! Get up, you don't wanna be late on your first day of school!

<Iris: ugh...>

[ brain stew by Green Day plays as she gets ready for school. She brushes her teeth, does her hair, dresses in her grunge aesthetic outfit then heads downstairs to the kitchen.]

Iris: good morning, grandma. *gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek*

Christy: morning, sweetie, how did you sleep?

Iris: I slept good, I'm still a little tired though, you?

Christy: I was up late trying to get rid of those boxes. I still have some things to unload.

Iris: I'll help you after school today.

Christy: *places waffles and eggs in front of iris* great! That way you'll be able to meet Wesley.

Iris: thanks and who's Wesley?

Christys: he's one of the guys who helped us yesterday. He's such a gentleman, I think you'll like him when you two properly meet.

Iris: oooohhh, I did see him yesterday. I never got his name.

Christy: you were so tired you went straight upstairs. And it turns out that he goes to the same school and he offered to pick you up and drop you off... isn't that nice?

Iris: yeah but I don't know him.

[doorbell rings.]

Christy: Oop! That must be him.

[ Christy opens the door and it's Wesley.]

Christy: good morning, Wesley!

Wesley: good morning, Miss Blackwell.

Christy: come on in.

[he walks in, walks to the kitchen and greets iris]

Wesley: *smiles* hi, we didn't properly meet, I'm Wesley, but you can call me Wes.

Iris: *smiles* hi, I'm iris.

[ her eyes examine him. Starting from his black converse, his baggy Levi blue jeans, his oversized Nike vintage long sleeve shirt, his round glasses, and his curtain style hair.]

Christy: Wesley, would you like some bacon?

Wesley: no thank you, I already ate. *turns to iris* you ready?

Iris: yeah

[ she grabs her tiny book bag then hugs Christy]

Iris: love you grandma, have a good day.

Christy: love you too, baby. Y'all have a good day! Wesley, you take care of my grand daughter now!

Wesley: yes ma'm, I will.

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