Episode 12: "A Broken Heart"

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Iris: what do you want, Bryson?
Bryson: I heard Wesley's gone, so I was thinking me and you could do a little some some?
Iris: No. Not even if you were the last person on earth. Now would you leave me alone, I'm just trying to get home!
[ Iris continues to walk, Bryson stops her with his truck, Iris stops, he gets out.]
Bryson: I don't do rejection.
Iris: No one's afraid of you, a**hole.
Bryson: really? Because you should be.
[ Bryson starts to transform into this huge werewolf. Iris takes off running! She's jumping through backyards and jumping fences. Peter and Ella are driving down the street when they see Iris running on the sidewalk. They pull up to her while she's running.]
Peter: Iris, what's going on?!
Iris: Bryson! *huff huff* Werewolf!
Ella: omg! Get in!
[ Iris gets in the car with them when something jumps on top of the roof of the car.]
Peter: holy- What the hell was that?!
[ Bryson crawls to the hood of the car. Everyone in the car screams.]
Peter: *honks his horn* get the hell off my car!!!
[ Peter swerves his car left and right multiple times until Bryson couldn't hold on no more. Bryson rolls on the ground. Peter straightens his car out.]
Peter: *laughs* WOOO! That was fun! Iris, you should get chased by him more often!
Iris: what?! He was trying to get me and possibly eat me... not in a dinner type way either.
Ella: Iris, why didn't you tell you that you needed a ride? We don't mind, like at all!
Iris: My bad, I guess my mind is stuck on the fact that Wesley's gone.
Ella: Yeah, he's going to missed a lot. Peter, do you know when he'll be back?
Peter: No, he said he doesn't even know when he'll be back. Gosh! I'm gonna miss that dude.
[ Peter's eyes start to water.]
Ella: Aawwww, Pete, are you crying?
Peter: No, I just... have something in my eyes. The uh *clears throat* the adrenaline rush is getting to me.
[ Iris makes it home and she smells fresh baked cookies from the house.]
Iris: Oooooo, it smells good in here!
Christy: come have a sit! I made baked chicken, collard greens, Mac and cheese, yams, and for dessert, we're having homemade pound cake and cookies! *places the plate in front of Iris*
Iris: All of this looks and smells amazing!
Dr. Bertini: *comes from the bathroom* it tastes amazing too.
Iris: Oh, hi Dr. Bertini, I didn't realize you were joining us.
Dr. Bertini: How ya doing, Iris? And... *looks at his watch* I won't be joining you lovely ladies any longer because I have to go cover a shift at the hospital.
Christy: okay, well, maybe next time?
Dr. Bertini: Sounds great! And how about we have dinner at my place, that way you can bring Iris and I can show her my game room.
Iris: *shocked* you have your own game room!
Dr. Bertini: yeah and maybe you could bring your friend, ummm, what's his name? Wesley!
Iris: *her face turns from a smile to a frown* yeah, maybe...
Dr. Bertini: alright, welp, Christy, I'll see you whenever and you both have a good rest of the evening.
[ Christy walks Dr. Bertini out. She turns to Iris.]
Christy: isn't he the sweetest?
Iris: Yeah, he's great.
Christy: Honey, what's wrong?
Iris: It's nothing. *takes a bite of food* where's mom?
Christy: she's out with Krystal; They're gone to get groceries. How was your day?
Iris: it... it was cool.
[ Iris lies on her bed listening to "I'm closing my eyes" by Potsu while thinking about Wesley. Her phone rings, it's Carmen.]
<Iris: I don't feel like talking. *ignore*>
Carmen: *to Sula* She's not picking up.
Sula: Just face it, Car, she's not interested.
Carmen: What? There has to be something? I mean that kiss wasn't just anything...
Sula: Was she sober when she kissed you?
Carmen: No-
Sula: then that doesn't count.
Carmen: Wha-
Seth: She's right!
Carmen: Well is there some type of love spell I could use?
Robyn: Oh noooooo, remember what dad said about that spell? He said it's dangerous.
Sula: There you go being a buzzkill again.
Robyn: shut up, Su!
Sula: *Gets up from the sofa* Make me.
Seth: Alright! Let's not trash the house again! Carmen, I'm sure she's just going through a lot just give her some time.
Carmen: okay, you're right.
Robyn: Awwww look at our little Sethy Seth, acting all mature.
Sula: *to Seth* You used the maturity spell... didn't you?
Seth: *hesitates* yeaaaaahh, but it was only to impress a girl I like!
[ Robyn, Sula, and Carmen start to laugh hysterically.]
Robyn: it's a shame how you have to make yourself mature by a spell! *laughs*
Seth: *mocks them* Haha, it's not funny.
[ A couple of days later, Iris is getting books out of her locker when Carmen walks up to her.]
Carmen: Hey.
Iris: Sup?
Carmen: You've been ignoring my phone calls, is everything okay?
Iris: Yeah, I'm just going through a rough time at the moment.
Carmen: oh, okay, but you know if you need-
Iris: yeah, I got it.
Carmen: Oh and I've been meaning to ask you something about the kiss-
Iris: *sighs* Carmen, you're a great person, but as far as what went on, it was just a phase.
[ the bell rings for class.]
Iris: I have to go.
[ Iris leaves Carmen in the hallway stuck in thought. Stranger by Mild Orange begins to play. Time passes by and Carmen is left with a broken heart.]

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