Episode 22 "We Can Still Be Friends"

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Iris: *lets her window up* you know what? I don't have time for this! Wesley: Woah woah-Iris: Woah my ass, Carmen, go home!!Wesley: What? I'm Wesley! It's really me!Iris: *pauses* Oh

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Iris: *lets her window up* you know what? I don't have time for this!
Wesley: Woah woah-
Iris: Woah my ass, Carmen, go home!!
Wesley: What? I'm Wesley! It's really me!
Iris: *pauses* Oh... well I don't care, go back home! Or wherever you came from.
[ She slams her window shut. Wesley flies to her window.]
Wesley: Aye, let me in. Iris, let me in.
[She ignores him.]
Wesley: Come on. I'm back and I'm here to stay-
Iris: I don't care!
Wesley: What?
Iris: I said I don't care!
Wesley: What? I can't hear you!
Iris: *opens the window* I said I don't care!
Wesley: You're cute when you're pissed at me. You can't leave me out here in the cold.
Iris: *sighs* Ugh!
[ She lets him in her room.]
Iris: What do you want?
Wesley: I thought you'd be happy to see me.
Iris: You have no idea how tough it's been for me.
Wesley: Why, what happened?
Iris: I got shot, I've been depressed, I couldn't sleep, I just got my heart broken by a guy that I thought was the one, but no I can't seem to get over you!
Wesley: I'm sorry-
Iris: Sorry?! That's all you have to say!?
Wesley: Well, what do you want me to do? What should I say?
Iris: I just want to know your reason for leaving. The truth...that's all I want.
Wesley: *sits down on her bed* okay. You want the truth so here it goes; I was sent to a boarding school. The boarding school was designed so creatures like me can learn how to control their powers and abilities.
[ He stands up then walks in front of Iris holding her hands in his.]
Wesley: Every day that I was there, I thought about Peter, Ella, and most importantly, you. I missed our late night rides together, our laughs, the parties. *embraces Iris in his arms* I've missed you the most.
<Iris: When he took me in his arms, I felt safe, I felt a warmth that I've never felt from any other person before. Little butterflies are in my stomach and I have this warm fuzzy feeling inside. In this moment, it feels like we're the only two people on Earth. Is this love?>
[ Ella lies in her head while on the phone with Peter.]
Ella: Are you doing okay?
Peter: Yeah, just a slight headache. Y'know, I knew something was off about Wesley, I just couldn't put my finger on it.
Ella: That witch is going to pay for what she did to you!
Peter: No, Ella, it's alright.
Ella: No it's not! Nobody hurts my man!
Peter: *giggles* it's okay, really I'm fine. So, how's it going so far with your step dad?
Ella: Well, his drinking has gotten better, surprisingly. For once in a very long time, I feel like I can relax. He's not so bad when he's sober...still a douche, but not so bad.
[ At school during study hall, Wesley stops Pete in the hallway.]
Wesley: Pete!
Pete: *turns around* NOPE! Stay away from me!
Wesley: What? Pete, it's really me, Wesley. Iris told me what happened to you.
Pete: Wes!? *gives him a big hug* Oh my gosh! I've missed you so much, man! You have no idea!!
Wesley: I've missed you too, Pete! We have some catching up to do.
[ Ella comes out of nowhere and hits Wesley over the head with a book.]
Wesley: Ow!
Ella: Stay away from him, you freak!!
Peter: Babe, it's the real Wesley.
Ella: *looks at Wesley* is it really you because I don't have time-
Wesley: Yes! It's really me.
[ Ella hugs him.]
Ella: *excited* OMG! You're back!!
*Scene cut to the library*
[ Iris is looking for a book when River walks up to her.]
River: Hey. Can we talk?
Iris: There's nothing to talk about.
River: Look, I'm sorry for other night. I didn't mean to get that jealous.
Iris: It's over and done with.
River: I- I don't wanna break up.
Iris: But we already did.
River: I know, but what I'm trying to say is that I didn't mean to break your heart. I should've handled the situation differently and I'm sorry.
Iris: *stops* I forgive you.
River: Cool! So can we get back together?
Iris: No, I think we're better off as friends.
River: Okay. That's totally fine with me.
[ Wesley walks inside the library to where River and Iris are talking.]
Wesley: Hey, babe, we're gonna go get food during off campus wanna come?
Iris: Yeah, I'll be there in a sec, I gotta check out this book.
Wesley: Alright.
[ Wesley leaves.]
River: So that's why you don't wanna get back together...because Wesley is back. *sighs* I get it. Anyways, I gotta go.
[ As he's leaving, he stops himself.]
River: And Iris.
Iris: Huh?
River: I'll still be here for you.... whenever you need me.
Iris: Thanks, River. Same here. *smiles*

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