Episode 20 "Out of All People"

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[ In the library, Iris and River are seen together by Wesley

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[ In the library, Iris and River are seen together by Wesley.]
Iris: Are you sure you're not mad about Wesley?
River: I'm not mad. I just hate that our time together got interrupted. *puts his arms around Iris' waist* But like I said, I enjoy every little bit of time with you.
Iris: *puts her arms around his neck* I love my time with you too. You know something is a little off about him...
[ Wesley ease drops on their conversation.]
Iris: Like he doesn't lie to my grandma or me... He was always honest. Plus, he picked a fight with you and that's not like him.
River: I noticed that too; He was always a nice guy from what I saw and heard.
Iris: I don't know what it is.
River: Enough about him, when are going to be official?
Iris: I thought we already were?
[ River and Iris start to giggle. Wesley knocks over a book shelf causing the noise to be very loud. It scares everyone in the library.]
Librarian: SSSHHHH! *whispers* Mr. Scott, exit the library now!
[As he exits the library, he runs into Peter in the hallway.]
Peter: Yo!
Wesley: Sorry.
Peter: Wesley? Omg, you're back?! I've missed you so much man! What's been going on? When did you get back in town? Where were you?
Wesley: I...uh... I've been in town for a while now!
Peter: Really? Then why haven't you called anyone? Wait, something's off about you.
[ Peter looks closely into Wesley's eyes to see that they're a hazel color.]
Peter: You're not Wesley... You're one of the Fox sisters.
[ Wesley pushes Peter into the lockers knocking him unconscious. Wesley then turns into Carmen.]
Carmen: *to Peter* You ask way too many questions. Next time, keep your mouth shut.
[ She walks off shapeshifting back into Wesley.]
[ It's after school. "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure plays while River and Iris are at a thrift store. They try on different clothing. At first, they started try on funny clothing such as disco boots, silver pants, and huge round glasses. Then they actually tried on cute clothing. Iris walks out the dressing room with mom jeans, a purple shirt, and a men's flannel jacket on. She poses in front of him. River admires her beauty from top to bottom. He snaps out of his day dream, then smiles and gives a thumbs up. Next, River comes out of the dressing room with oversized khakis with a blue, red, and green sweatshirt that says "Hard Rock" on it. River starts to awkwardly pose. Iris starts to laugh then she gives him an okay hand gesture. While walking out of the store they talk to each other.]
Iris: That was so much fun!
River: I've never modeled for anyone before *laughs*
Iris: *giggles* It's okay, I could tell.
River: *laughs* Oh yeah?
[ River digs his nose into Iris' neck causing her to laugh until she sees Wesley spotted with another girl.]
River: Bae, what's wrong?
[ He looks Wesley's way. Wesley is hugged up with Michelle.]
River: Wesley with Michelle? Out of all people? I never thought I'd see that happening.
Iris: *gets a little jealous* Yeah, me neither.
[ She storms towards them. She turns Wesley around.]
Iris: Are you serious?!

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