Ep. 5 "New to This"

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[ Carmen takes Iris up to her room.]
Carmen: Welcome to my room.
Iris: *looks around* wow, your room is huge!
Carmen: thanks. *walks to her closet* do you smoke?
Iris: Nope.
Carmen: *sigh* Iris, it's your senior year and you need to let loose. Be free! Be bold! Be adventurous!
Iris: yeah you're right. I'm just new to this whole party thing, actually.
[ Carmen walks toward Iris with a box and when she opens it, it's marijuana.]
Iris: oh noooo-
Carmen: oh yes!
Iris: nooo I can't, that's too risky.
Carmen: all it's gonna do is calm your brain and it's not laced. I don't play that.
[ Wesley is sitting outside at the mini bar jamming out to the music and relaxing. Michelle comes up to him.]
Michelle: Wesleyyyyyy!!!
Wesley: *to himself* oh my gosh.
[ Michelle sits next to him.]
Michelle: so how are you on this fine evening?
Wesley: I'm fine.
Michelle: you look good tonight.
Wesley: thanks.
Michelle: there's no need to be dry.
Wesley: there is a need be dry because I'm NOT WITH YOU.
[ Wesley gets up then goes inside and sits down on the couch. Seth walks up to Wesley.]
Seth: what's up dude? *sits next to him*
Wesley: hi.
Seth: what so down?
Wesley: It's no reason.
Seth: well you need to put down the tea and come drink.
Wesley: but I don't drink-
Seth: today will be the day you drink! And stop being lame! Come on.
[ Seth leads Wesley to the basement where he sees people playing beer pong, but with shots of vodka.]
Peter: *drunk* Wesleyyyyyy!!!! *wraps his arm around him* dude! Where were you!?
Wesley: God, your breath stinks.
Ella: Wesley! Bro, I am having the most best time EVERRRRR!!! *laughs*
Seth: *waves Wesley over to the beer pong table* Now, if you're opponent makes it into your cup, you drink. Got it?
Wesley: got it.
[ "Chamber of Reflection" by Mac DeMarco plays in the background. Iris and Carmen are in the laying in the bed on opposite ends looking at the ceiling, high as a tree.]
Iris: *smiles* I've never felt this feeling...
Carmen: it's a good feeling right?
Iris: most definitely. *laughs*
Carmen: so tell me; what's your biggest fear?
Iris: *her smile slowly fades* my biggest fear is failure... All my life I've been so afraid of making bad grades... I think about my future a lot; what college I'm going to go to, what career I'm going to choose, and if I'm going to be happy overall.
Carmen: Wow.
Iris: I'm sorry, that was a little too deep.
Carmen: no no, it's fine.
Iris: what are your biggest fears?
Carmen: I'd have to say it's not accepting my flaws. I can be very insecure at times and it gets frustrating because at one point I didn't want to go out the house.
Iris: But you're so pretty! You have beautiful skin, a nice body, and I think you're smart?*laughs*
Carmen: *laughs* thanks, I really appreciate it especially when it's coming from a beauty like you.
Iris: oohhh noooo. I'm far from pretty or being cute. Plus I'm fat-
Carmen: no you're not.
Iris: a-and I try to lose weight and it doesn't workout-
Carmen: Iris.
Iris: then I workout and I eat right and nothing happens!
Carmen: Iris!!!
[ Carmen raises up then looks into Iris's eyes]
Carmen: Iris, you're beautiful and you don't look fat. In my eyes, you're perfect.
Iris: thanks. *raises up*
[ "Want Me" by Puma Blue starts to play Carmen and Iris stare at each other, they get closer and closer then they share a kiss.]
[ Two hours later, Wesley is in the bathroom puking. Peter is by his side.]
Wesley: ooohhh maannn, I cant do this. *pukes*
Peter: it's alright buddy! *pats his back* I'm gonna teach you how to hold your liquor and play beer pong my guy because YOU SUCKED!! *laughs*
Wesley: *raises his head* way to make me feel better. *laughs then he pukes*
[ Ella is outside getting some fresh air when she starts to see things.]
Ella: *looks straight ahead* is that a person? *burp*
[ "St. Bernard" by Lincoln starts to play.]
Ella: *tries to focus her eyes* oh my gosh, I need glasses.
[ every time she blinks the figure gets closer and closer.]
Ella: woaahhh, I shouldn't have drunk that many margaritas... six was waaaayyyy too much.
Song: Saint Bernard sits at the top of the driveway.
Episode 6 coming soon!!! Thanks for reading!

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