Entry no. 29: Stand

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I know I keep talking about how I was falling.

But I was actually falling.
I could barely stand.
I looked fine.
I looked...normal.
But I wasn't even close to being fine.

I had mid-term after mid-term, and papers after papers, and lab reports after lab reports, and Les Miserables after another huge book, and rehearsal after rehearsal, and everything else in between.

I couldn't manage anymore.

At one point, I had started to cry.

My mother had said, "Get you shit together! You are so disorganised! Why are you even crying? I knew this would happen! Just quit the god damn play!"

I was drowning in pressure.
It became a little too much.

"She would not show that she was afraid,
But being and feeling alone was too much to face,
Though everyone said that she was so strong,
What they didn't know is that she could barely carry on...sometimes it gets a little too much." -A Little Too Much, Shawn Mendes

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