Chapter 10

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When they arrive at the tennis courts, they set up their equipment, which was left for them on the side of the middle net.

"Alright Bugs, get ready to taste the wrath of my awesome wizardry skills" Daffy bragged.

"Ha! you are talking to a 4 time championship winner. I can even beat you with my eyes close" Bugs gloated.

"Oh real mature. Cadet, are you going to join us on this game?" Daffy asked Cadet, trying not to leave him out.

" you guys go on ahead, I'm gonna to see what Aurora is up to. I'll see you later though. Have fun!" Cadet said as he exited the courts.

"Okay, I guess its just me and you then." Daffy said, while they place themselves in position.

"Bring it." Bugs said, swaying a little to try to avoid the oncoming ball.

Since, Daffy had the ball, he served first, initiating the start of the game.

The two swat the ball back and forth with their rackets.

After a few hours pass including in-between water break, they both end up each scoring a win on one set of the game.

This meant that the last set would be the ultimate tie-breaker.

The 3rd set was served by Daffy again since they both took turns serving.

"Are you ready to call it quits? Because I think I can see a losing streak on your forehead right now reading 'I Lost' in bold red." Daffy teased Bugs who wasn't phased by his joking.

"Nice try, but you're not fooling me. I know a distraction when I see one and it ain't gonna work." Bugs said confidently.

"We'll see." Daffy said as he served the ball.

The two were in hot pursuit as they constantly swat the ball across the court, pressuring the other to give up.

Finally, when Bugs was just about to swat the ball at a right angle, in an attempt for the ball to quickly pass on Daffy side of the net, the ground all of a sudden started to tremble, causing him miss the ball.

"Woah" Bugs yelled as he fell down right when the ball whooshed past his side, scoring Daffy the winning point.

"Ha! I win!" Daffy yelled with his fists in the air while trying to balance himself from the ship continuous shaking.

After a few minutes has passed and the ground stopped jerking, they see Cadet running towards them sweating.

"A...are you guys o...okay? T...the ship was hit by an oncoming asteroid and it tore off some of the left part of the wing. T...hank goodness the damage wasn't permanent. I got some guys come over and get it patched up right away. I mean did you see it?! It was almost like an earthquake took over us!" Cadet said in a frantic tone.

Bugs, who was still on the ground, smirked and roll his eyes, thinking about how many times Daffy has cheated in chess by causing an 'earthquake'.

Ironically an actual shaking occurred on the ship and made him lose for real this time.

Daffy walked over to Bugs and bend on one knee with a lending hand, offering to help him up.

"You alright? That was quite a game there." Daffy said as he pulled him up.

"Yeah you beat me. I guess I can say that you beat the all-time champion." Bugs pouted.

"Aww don't be silly. If you want, we can go for another game. Bests 2 out of 3?" Daffy suggested.

"Well, as much as I love to redeem myself, I think I played enough tennis today." Bugs said, who was exhausted from all of that pacing.

"Okay, so what do you want to do then?" Daffy asked Bugs.

"O...oh what about Its not that far from the club and there's plenty of spots to play a couple rounds in." Cadet offered.

Bugs, all of a sudden got queasy in the stomach.

That was where he was found with his messed up machine when he first arrived here.

The thought of him discovering everything at once that day, made him a little dizzy.

"You know what....I think I'm going to just try to do some indoor activities for now...if that's okay with you?" Bugs asked while rubbing his arm.

" problem. W...we can do golf or skating or bowling.." Cadet said until he got interrupted.

"Yes! Bowling! That sounds terrific." Bugs said quickly, trying to avoid golf all together.

"Perfect. F...follow me then, I'll g...get us set up. A...Aurora said she wants to join us there anyways for a game or 2 i...if that's cool with you." Cadet told Bugs.

"Yeah, that'll be fine. The more the merrier." Bugs said in a half-panic tone as him and Daffy walk right behind Cadet as they exit the Club.

Daffy raised his eyebrow in concern.

I wonder what's troubling him so much about golf? Was it just because we discovered him there or is there something else that he is not telling me? Daffy thought as they head to the bowling center of the ship.

When they got to the bowling center, Cadet puts in the names of the competing bowlers on a screen machine while Bugs goes over to the bar and orders 2 large nachos for them to share.

"You okay Captain? You've been awfully quiet. Did something happen at the tennis courts?" Cadet asked in concern.

"No. Nothing like that, I'm just...worried for him that's all. I mean why would he get upset about golf? I mean the only thing that could have made him upset was seeing him unconscious there, unless he's hiding something from me. Do you know anything about this?" Daffy said in a serious tone while looking at Cadet.

Cadet quickly read into what was being asked and tried to push it aside. " sir. Why would you think that he is hiding something? It could just be that he was tired and wanted to do something simple that's all." Cadet suggested.

"I guess but honestly, if he was actually hiding something, I am just as guilty as he is. I can't even begin to tell you how many lies I had to put up with just to be here and exist from the start." Daffy said with his head lowering down.

Unknowingly to him and Cadet, Bugs was listening in the whole time with his back turned.

He sighed and walked towards them with the baskets of chips and cheese.

"Here you go. I hope that's enough chips for everyone." Bugs said as he put the chips down on the isle table.

"O...oh you didn't have to pay for those." Cadet said while finishing up the names in the machine.

"No problem, they're on me." Bugs said as he look over at Daffy who was looking at the ground sadly.

Bugs frowned and was going to tap on Daffy's shoulders to check on him when all of a sudden, a squeal was made behind them.

Bugs and Cadet turned to see that it was Aurora.

"Hi guys! Did you start the game without me or what?" Aurora asked cheerfully.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now