Chapter 20

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When everything was packed, Cadet decided to talk to Bugs a little longer as S.O.A.S.A.B tinkers with last-minute preparations on the machine.

" was a r...real pleasure having on board. I h...hope that we can again some day." Cadet said cheerfully. 

"Yeah. It was fun. I definitely learned a lot hanging out with you and Aurora. You both have been real good friends to me and I thank you for that. Take care of Daffy for me will ya?" Bugs asked sadly.

"O...oh yeah. Sorry things didn't turn out so w...well with you a...and the Captain. should h...have just told him w...when you had the chance." Cadet said disappointed. 

"I know. It's my fault. I'm the one who pushed him away to begin with. And to think, all of this time that we have been friends, I never even once considered how much he actually means to me until now." Bugs said sadly.  

"W...well you k...know what they say. If wasn't e...even there in the first place, then it was n...never meant to be. I...if it does exists, with time,'ll come back to you." Cadet said with a faint smile, trying to be positive of the whole situation. 

He knows that they are both hurting but hopes that one day, they can make up for it.

"Yeah, with time. Wait a minute...time! That's it! Thank you so much Doc." Bugs said rapidly as he shook Cadet's hands. 

"O...oh for what?" Cadet asked confused.

"Cadet, there is a way. I can fix this! All I have to do is go back in time to where it was before I even left at all in the first place! S.O.A.S.A.B! Is it ready yet?" Bugs asked, worried.

"Yep it's all yours Mr. bunny. And thank you for your contribution...." S.O.A. S. A. B said before he got interrupted. 

"Great! See you!" Bugs yelled as he hops into the machine and sets it to the day of his disappearance. 

"G....goodbye Bugs." Cadet called out as the machine warps and vanishes into the space time continuum.

When he finally arrived, the machine landed into the basement of his house where he last left it.

He remembered to get up slowly out of the vehicle this time so that he won't pass again and walked upstairs out of the basement and head towards the kitchen of the house. 

He looked around and notices that the house is completely empty but, he tries to call out for Daffy anyways. 

"Daffy! Daffy! It's Bugs. I'm here. Please, I need to talk to you! Where are you?" Bugs shouted throughout the house. 

When he heard no answer, he panicked and quickly ran out the house.

he looked around and sees the neighborhood was completely silent as well. 

Oh no! they must be looking for me right about now. How on earth am I going to find him at this point? Bugs thought as he continues to think, when all of a sudden he heard a voice from behind him. 

"Oh, there you are. And here I thought that Daffy was the only trouble maker in this town." The voice scold as he turned around and sees Witch Lezah in front of him, who happened to be the only one left on the street block since everyone else was looking for him and it was a school day for Gossamer.

"Where's Daffy? Have you seen him?" Bugs asked frantically. 

"Oh honey, I don't know where that fool is either but he didn't look like he was taking your run off too well." Witch Lezah said rolling her eyes. 

"Well, you got to know something I mean you are a..."Bugs said before he got interrupted. 

"A witch? Yeah honey I get it. It's already old news to me, so you don't need to rub it in. But just because I am a witch, doesn't necessary mean that I know everything that you've done during your trip." Witch Lezah said in a stern voice.

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