Alternative ending #4: Stuck in Space

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Author's note: this what-if is: what if during chapter 20, Bugs got stuck in space. Enjoy!

Bugs quickly jumped into the time machine and said goodbye Cadet and S.O.A.S.A.B as he zipped through a time hole and disappeared through time.

The hollows of the time warp continue to speed through the machine as Bugs tries to relax and wait patiently for it to take him to his destination.

Suddenly, a tear in the time warp, sucked him in and less him to a black hole!

Bugs panicked and attempted to push buttons to try to get away from it but it was too late.

The black hole pooled him into darkness and trapped him inside.

Bugs then start to feel pressure all around the machine as he notices that the bolts were coming loose.

The machine was going to combust with him in it!

The energy of the gravitational pull was so strong that it was pulling against the invention and breaking it apart bit by bit.

Bugs anxiously searches around  for any emergency escape pods or space suits.

He only saw an astronaut suit for cases like these that had enough oxygen capacity to last him a few days with only oxygen tank along wit it to last him a couple of extra days.

He took the suit and hurriedly put it on.

The astronaut suit looked familiar to the ones he sees on T.V except, this one stores everything that he needs to keep himself alive in every way possible.

All he needs to do now, was to grab the extra oxygen tank and leave the machine.

Unfortunately, the gravitational pressure has already started to dent into the tank and he had to leave it behind.

Shoot. Forget it. I have to get out of here!  Bugs thought as the pressure now begin to struck his body all over.

It was squeezing the life out of him and he knows that if he continues to stand there, the pressure will slowly bust him up too.

His head was now starting to get woozy as he wobbles over and makes the last few attempts to push any hidden buttons that will help him exit.

Finally, there was a small secret corner that held the Emergency Eject button.

When he pushed it, the door to machine opened and flew him upward with enough force to merely escape from the grasps of the black hole.

He was now floating in the middle of space, right outside of the overwhelming never ending pit.

He only has a reduced amount of oxygen left in his suit and decides to manage the time that he has left.

As his suit spun him around a little bit, he tries to neutralize his health in efforts to hopefully last him until he could get help.

Several buttons that he pushed gave him some water and dried up food from the inside of the suit.

Other things such as bathroom breaks and quick rinse showers were also included in the suit.

When he took care of all of his needs, he fell into a deep sleep.

Soon, hours become days and yet, there was no sign of help from anyone.

He figured that no one probably has ever been here before and aren't foolish enough to even think about exploring around something as fatal and dangerous as a black hole.

Soon, his oxygen life has depleted to about 12% left in his tank.

When he saw the warning flashing light on his suit, he knew then that it was only a matter of time until he was out and from there it would end what was left of his life.

He didn't want to struggle anymore.

He didn't want to worry or cry.

He just wanted to be at peace and let himself know that he at least tried to make things right.

"Sorry doc, I couldn't get to you on time, but that's okay because I hope that you can forgive me someday. I just wanna let you know that I love you and that I'm sorry for everything . I hope to see you again soon." Bugs said to himself as took a deep breath and relaxed himself.

The oxygen tank was now at 2%.

It was like one of those moments at the hospitals where the patient makes their last breath before their heart rate flatlined.

Beep beep.... bugs mind thought as he closed his eyes and fell asleep, waiting for his last breath.

When all of sudden, a familiar figure, who was wearing a astronaut suit with a cord attached to it, grabbed ahold of him and zipped them back to his spaceship.

The spaceship was a small white v-winged air-speeder, which has enough room to fit approximately 4 people in it.

The figure took Bugs inside and placed him on a bed as he immediately removed his suit to make sure that there weren't any damages or injuries done on Bugs.

He checked his chest and noticed that his breathing rate was dropping low due to the limited oxygen that he had on his tank.

The figure went through his medical supplies and found an oxygen mask in his stash.

After that, he attached the mask onto Bugs's face and connect it to a full oxygen reservoir.

He sat on edge of the bed and removed his own helmet once he knew that Bugs was in a stable condition.

It was revealed to be Daffy, he must of somehow been looking for Bugs and luckily found him during this predicament.

He looked down at Bugs, who then slowly opened his eyes.

"Da..Daffy?" Bugs asked weakly.

"I got you Bugs, don't worry. Please, rest now. We can talk when you feel a little better. I'm going to take you home now okay?" Daffy reassured Bugs as he rubbed his head and soothed him back to he asleep.

While Bugs laid there resting, Daffy smiled and shook his head.

"You know, you really are despicable but you are also my best friend. Let's go home shall we?" Daffy said to the sleeping Bugs as he continues to prepare for the spaceship to take them to their destination.

He doesn't know how long it will take or how much supplies they need to get there, but as long as he is here by his side, that's all that counts.

*Author's note: I'm sorry that this one was also dramatic but again it's a possibility 😂. This ending was a little open ended as well because even though it was Daffy that saved him, you don't know which Daffy is it. That's up to the audience to decide for that. It could have been the future one, the present one or an earlier one. Plus, if it was one of the earlier ones, then he may not have known what happened during the future! Because of that, their relationship is also open ended as well. AMV is for your entertainment. One more to go! 😜

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