Chapter 16

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When Bugs got to his room, he noticed a suit inside a garment bag that lay over his newly, made up bed with a sticky note on top of it.

He walks over to the bed and picked up the note to read it. 

Hey Bugs, me and Aurora thought that your dinner tonight with the Captain wouldn't be complete without a nice, clean suit to wear. So, good luck and remember to talk to him. I know that he can be a bit stubborn sometimes, but if you're truly honest with him, than I think he will listen to you. Let me know how it goes.

The note then ended with a big C, indicating that it was Cadet's signature.

Bugs sighed and shook his head.

I wish it were that simple Doc he thought aloud as he unzips the garment bag and lifts the suit out of the bag by the hanger.

It was a classic black and white with a black bowtie tuxedo along with black pants that were folded inside the hanger.

"Well, here goes nothing. But first, I really do need another shower." Bugs said to himself as he lay the suit over on the edge of the bed and walked to the bathroom to take a bath.


Meanwhile, when Daffy got to his room, he was sweating profusely, partially because he was even more nervous by the minute according, to the way things went down at karaoke.

I shouldn't have sung with him. What was I thinking? Now he probably thinks that I am an idiot who acts like a school girl giddying over her first crush!  Okay Okay Daffy.....I...mean Captain Dodgers calm down....calm down. Daffy thought as he went to his bathroom mirror rather the vanity one to check on himself, since it was busted and never got replaced.

He looked at the mirror and noticed that his face was damp wet and red as if he had been running a marathon.

He attempted to cool it off by splashing water on his face.

When he was done rinsing his face, he turned off the facet and looked at his now dripping, still beaming red face in the mirror.

"Its going to fine. Its just dinner. I mean, what's the worst that can happen?" Daffy said to himself with weak confidence as he attempts to laugh off his worries.

After a few moments, he realized that he was just simply overthinking it and waved off his thoughts.

He decided to take a hot shower, in hopes that the steams would help him relax a little bit.

When he was done, he got out and dried himself off as he wrapped a towel around his waist.

He rubbed the condensation off the mirror, took a deep breath and sighed.

What am I doing with myself? Daffy thought.

Not only was he scared of having dinner with his own friend, but he was also afraid of what Bug's reaction would be when he has to eventually tell him who he really is.

Not as the Captain of this ship.

Not as Duck Dodgers.....

But as Daffy Duck.

Bug's best friend and roommate.

He shook his head and exited the bathroom as he slowly walked over and sees a garment bag with a suit inside laying on top of the edge of his bed with a note attached to it.

He picked up the note and read it.

Hey sweetie, Me and Cadet thought that this suit would go absolutely perfect for tonight's dinner, so don't be late! Oh and another suggestion if I'm not bothering you that much, since Bugs surprised you last time, you should do something for him too. Okay okay that's all I'm gonna say so good luck! oh and remember to always stand tall and proud. Grab your man and tell him how you feel! We will discuss all of the details tomorrow! Have fun!

The note was closed with a big A, meaning that it was signed by Aurora.

Daffy laughed.

Aurora was always so eccentric, which is what made her and Cadet so good together.

He then, thought about what him and Bugs could of have right now.

For the past several days, their renowned relationship has quickly turned from friends to something that even he couldn't fully explain.

He decided to.....No! He declared in his heart, that he would tell him how he truly feels with hopes that not even his true identity wouldn't matter a single thing to Bugs.

Daffy grinned and was all now too excited to even think of another what-if.

He was determined to make things right between him and Bugs.

He quickly unzipped the garment bag and lifted his suit by the hanger.

It was white tuxedo with a black bowtie and black pants.

He then, rapidly put on the suit and adjusted his bow tie last.

When he was done, he exited his room and walked over to Bug's door to see if he was finished getting dressed.


While that happened, Bugs, who just have gotten out of the shower, dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist as well.

He left the bathroom, and walked over to grab his suit.

Even though he was still a little damp, he went ahead and put on the suit.

He was adjusting his bow tie when a knock came out the door.

"Hey Bugs, it's Captain Dodgers, you about ready yet?" Daffy asked.

"Just a second Doc. I'm almost done." Bugs yelled over from the other side as he finished adjusting his bow tie and grabbed his towel from the shower to dry off a little bit more.

Meanwhile, Daffy, from outside the room, frantically paced back and forth as he waited for him.

"I'm Captain Duck Dodgers of the 24th century, I can handle anything." Daffy muttered to himself.

Finally after 5 minutes has past, Bugs was done.

"Okay Doc, I am ready now." He said as he opened the door.

Daffy suddenly stopped pacing and looked at Bugs.

His eyes were wide with awe.

"Wow, you look very..." Daffy blurted out of context.

"Handsome." Bugs teased.

"I was going to say charming but handsome's a better word." Daffy laughed nervously as he rubs his neck, embarrassed that Bugs figured out his thoughts too soon.

" um...shall we go then?" Daffy asked as he swayed his arms to indicate that they were leaving.

"Yes we shall. Lead the way." Bugs said as he decide to taunt him a little more and wrapped his arm around Daffy's.

Daffy blushed a little and played along with the moment as they slowly walk together to dinner.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now