Alternative ending #1: Hidden Memory

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*Author's note: This is the first alternative ending. This what-if is: what happens after chapter 19's perspective, if the machine malfunctioned a little and actually took Bugs back in time to 2 months before their big fight happened rather than the day of. Enjoy! Ask me in the comments if you are still confused with this ending.

The time machine soon whooshed back to the basement and into the present time as it abruptly stops in its position, indicating that he has arrived.

I got to hurry and find him Bugs thought as he stood up and tried to get out of the machine, but he moved his body too fast.

He started to feel dizzy and sick to his stomach.

A few seconds later, he quickly begin to pass out, hitting his head on the edge of his seat during the process. 

After a few hours has passed, he finally woke up and looked around, puzzled.

His body appeared to have layed sideways with his head sticking out of the outside of his vehicle.

"What just happened? Did I fall asleep? What am I doing in here?" Bugs asked to himself as he slowly maneuvered himself straight and got out of the machine.

He began to scratch his head in confusion and thought.

He had forgotten why he was even there in the first place.

He figured that he was just tired and simply took a nap in the rig as he dragged himself, sleepily upstairs.

His mind is but a block.

An empty slate as if he just took a rest and went on with his day.

When he exited the basement, he head into the kitchen and decided to make some coffee to help keep him awake.

The steam brewing of the coffee pot, helped him relax a little but, he did feel a little parched and grabbed a water bottle in the fridge to quench his thirst while he waited for his coffee.

Later, Daffy got home and walked to the kitchen to grab a snack to eat.

He also seemed calm as if nothing has happened to him either.

He looked over and sees Bugs, who was exhausted and was holding onto his fresh cup of coffee that wasn't even sipped down yet.

"Hey Bugs. Wow, you looked like you didn't sleep too well." Daffy said curiously as he grabbed some leftover pizza from the fridge and start eating it. 

"I didn't. I just came from a nap on my machine. I felt like I haven't slept at all in a century." Bugs said grumpily.  

"Sorry to hear that man. You should really get some more sleep tonight. Oh, speaking of tonight, Lola wanted to know if you and her want to group dinner date with me and Tina this evening." Daffy announced as he grabbed his litter root beer soda out of the fridge and started guzzling it down.

"Sure, just give me a few minutes to clear my head and then I can get ready. I just have this massive headache and I can't seem to understand why" Bugs said, tired and rubbing his sore head.

"Great. I'll call Tina and let her know that you and Lola are coming." Daffy said as he picked up the phone and dialed for Tina.

"Cool." Bugs said, now rubbing his face and yawning as he walked upstairs to get dressed.

Later that evening, Lola and Tina arrived to their house with their date night outfits on.

Tina was wearing a shiny slim black dress and diamond earrings while Lola was wearing a puffy blue dress with blue jewelry to match with.

Bugs and Daffy opened the door, revealing that they both were wearing black tuxedos.

"You look nice, Tina." Daffy said smiling.

"Thanks. Ready to get going?" Tina asked.

"Sure thing." Daffy said as he loops his arm around her and heads to Bug's car.

Meanwhile, Bugs is still stumped and unmoved as he tries to process with all of this. 

What is going on? Why does this feel so weird to me right now? Bugs thought as he begins to drift into his mind until Lola interrupts him.

"Ready to go?" Lola asked, exclaimed excitedly, who was waiting for him to go.

"Hmm? Oh yeah sure." Bugs said, trying to brush off his day dreaming.

"What's wrong bun-bun?" Lola asked in concern.

"Oh its, nothing I just got this strange feeling that something... isn't right." Bugs said as he looks over at Daffy who was busy immersing in conversation with Tina and laughing while they were waiting on him and Lola too.

What does Daffy have to do with why am I acting like this?  Bugs thought but then decides to wave off his thoughts.

"Sorry about that Lola, we can go now. Maybe dinner would help clear my mind a little." Bugs said as he stepped outside and closed the door behind him.  

"Okay!" Lola said cheerfully as she loops her arm around Bugs.

All 4 then, got in the car and moved on to dinner together as friends with dates.

Bugs finally depicted that his mind was just somewhat a little foggy from his nap and moved on from there.

Little did he know, that back in the basement, on the front of the time machine, there were several dents and scrapes that could only occur if he traveled.

 *Author's note: This one was a little short but basically, Bugs returned to the present and lost his short term memory of anything that happened during the future event. Don't worry, he didn't lose all of it, thank goodness. He still remembers everything else well, just that one portion of memory was gone and everything is back to normal with Bola (Bugs and Lola) and Taffy (Tina and Daffy) shipping's intact, unaware that a lot has happened in the future according to some of the indications done on his machine. Sorry Baffy Fans! I know it sucks but its just one possible ending after all you never know what time travel can do to us!  Thanks for reading, there are 4 more endings left to go so stay tuned. Again, like before, this AMV is like a bonus to go with the ending.

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