Chapter 12

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As S.O.A.S.A.B showed Cadet and Bugs his works, he explained to them about his interest in Bug's invention that could change the course of history.

"This is amazing! I never got to see a past traveler visit us before. Mr. Bugs, what you have created was something that every man has ever dreamed off. However none of them were able to successfully pull it off. Shoot, I can't even get my super duper vacuum to even pick up one food crumb. This is good material. We should work together someday and..." S.O.A.S.A.B continued to lecture as Bugs begins to drown him out.

He didn't pay attention to any of it and was now a little worried in thought.

What was Cadet going to say about Daffy? Was love with me?

The more he thought about it, the more pale in the face, he got.

He didn't know how to respond to it.

In all of the 17 years that he has known him, he never even thought about considering them more than what they were now, best friends.

Will crossing the line change everything for them?

Will expressing his feelings now, make him more likely to leave this place?

He was scared and now torn between the 2 pathways that he had put himself in.

Will he choose love over friendship

Or will he chose the wrong and lose it all?

As he continued to ponder over that decision, he was interrupted by Cadet.

"Bugs, d...did you hear what he said?" Cadet asked worried.

"Mr. Bugs, your machine is ready to go sir. You can go back home now." S.O.A.S.A.B said proudly.

"Huh?" Bugs asked in shock.

He couldn't believe it.

Not only did he have all of these confusing, mixed emotions in his heart, but he also has to decide whether or not he should go back home and once again....walk away from the best thing that could happen to him....

No! He can't leave yet!

Not when he hasn't even got a chance to say anything to Daffy.

While, he was still in thought, S.O.A.S.A.B noticed and was puzzled by his expression.

"You're not happy? I thought that you would be satisfied that your machine is all fixed." S.O.A.S.A.B said in concern.

"Oh no Doc it's good but..." Bugs said while trying to think of a reason.

"But..?" S.O.A.S.A.B asked in an attempt to fill in the blank.

"But..." Bugs paused.

He stood his ground and decide to listen to his heart for once.

"....But I'm not ready to go. Just...until I get a chance to talk to an old friend of mine about something that have been on my mind for a while now." Bugs said as he rubbed his neck.

"Ah. I understand. Well, I don't want to keep you waiting so I'll just keep an eye on your machine for you and I'll even let Dr. Grebsiew know that you're going to be staying here a little longer." S.O.A.S.A.B said with a smile.

"Thanks Doc, I appreciate it." Bugs said

"No problem. You guys have fun then. It has been a honor to meet you sir." S.O.A.S.A.B said as he waved goodbye to Cadet and Bugs.

When they exit the lab, Cadet looked over at Bugs in confusion.

Even though he was more than happy to know  that Bugs chose to stay a little longer but the question was why?

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now