Chapter 4

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When he entered the room, he notices a huge collage of photos that were framed in the back wall.

Bugs could not believe what he was seeing.

It was pictures of his friends.

All of them.

Tina, Lola, Porky, Taz, Yosemite Sam, Speedy, Granny, the witch and her son Gossamer, Foghorn Leghorn, and finally Bugs himself.

Each picture represents a moment that somehow felt special to Daffy:

Some pictures show the many times when they were all together at the pizzeria with him, Porky, Speedy and Bugs.

Some were when him and Porky went to the wedding where Porky met Petunia along with the seminar that caused him to steal the neighbor's stuff.

Bugs rolled his eyes on that one.

One was with him and Bugs trying to get rid of Sam when the power went off at his house.

One was of Taz tearing the house down when they first brought him home.

One was him and Lola buddying up for an investigation of the missing gopher along with one where they were both looking for Daffy another recliner chair.

One was the tennis match with him and Foghorn Leghorn versus Bugs and Lola's dad right before it was cancelled due to the attack on the chicken hawk.

one was of the witch and Bugs watching her son Gossamer at the talent show along with Daffy, who was watching behind the curtain to make sure that the kid was doing alright.

One was of Daffy promoting Gossamer's student president election along with one where he was helping Gossamer with the swim team.

One was at the apology dinner table with Daffy being smashed with carrot pie.

Bugs could not help but laugh for the moment.

Some of these memories were just too good. Too funny. Too...amazing.

He blanked out for a minute before snapping out of it and continues to look at the photos.

Some contained the many dates that he had with Tina along with the festival where he was hanging out with her before going up and eating a bunch of hotdogs from the contest.

Some were with Granny on piano lessons and when Granny told her WW1 story along with the many hangouts that him and Bugs got to do with her to keep her company.

Finally, the rest of them was the times that he had spent Bugs such as the time that they had escaped from prison in yellow paint until they got caught again, the vacation they had in Mexico, the best friend tv show game along with the cruise that they went to, regardless of the loss in the show; the sport game events that they would go with Porky and even when they were both just sitting and watching T.V as if it was an everyday thing.

Bugs shook his head, he couldn't help but to shake the feeling that he had completely misjudged Daffy.

He didn't realize how much he actually cares about everyone.

He even remembered the time that they had really fought which almost broke their friendship.

It was after they had lost on the game show and Daffy had tried so hard to make it up to him.

Even though the cruise was paid for with his card, Daffy tried to use this as an opportunity to really get to know him and be there for him when he needs him the most.

He then told Daffy to stop because he wasn't like that and even though he is the complete opposite of him, he is still his best friend no matter what.

Now looking back, he couldn't take in what he had just discovered and yet he is somehow still processing it all.

"How...did he keep all of this?" Bugs asked still in shock

"Oh that's easy, when he first arrived here and was getting unthawed, there was a time capsule that he was able to take with him during the experiment and it was filled with photos and mementos of you and his other friends. Here come check this out." Cadet said as he opens a large silver tube with a slit opening, presumably the time capsule.

Inside was items that represented him and his friends.

Tina's wig mannequin display, Porky's red bow, Lola's silver bell bracelet, Taz's dog collar, Foghorn Leghorn's ancient Japanese golden turtle, Granny's spectacles, Yosemite's cowboy boots, witch Lezah's broom, A tape of Gossamer's talent show, and lastly a pair of Bug's old fashioned gloves.

"Who else knows about this?" Bugs ask as he picks up his old gloves and held onto it tight.

If he misses us that much, why did he leave?  he thought even though he already knew the answers to all of those questions he had been asking himself lately.

The real question that he should have been asking is what can he do to make it up to him? How can he fix this before it turns permanent and he may never see him again?

"Oh j...just the doctor, his assistant a...and me." Cadet informed.

"I need to talk to him" Bugs blurted.

" you can't. If he finds out that you knew, w...would break his heart." Cadet said waving his hands in a panic tone.

"What...should I do then?" Bugs asked softly.

"S...stay. You should spend as much time as you can with him while you're still here. Maybe then, things won't look bad once you return to the present time. You can both end in good terms." Cadet advised.

"But what if I don't want to just end in good terms. I want to tell him that I'm sorry. I want I be able fix things and go back to way it used to be with my best friend and roommate by my side. But how can I do that without him finding out?" Bugs asked sadly with his head down.

Cadet couldn't help but feel sorry for the time traveler.

In all of his time that he has spent with the captain, he has never seen someone so close to him.

It's almost as if destiny has given Captain Dodgers a chance to be happy again.

Come to think of it, he can't even remember the last time that the captain smiled, not even once since he first arrived with the time pod.

Cadet sighs as he pats Bugs on the shoulder to comfort him.

"L...look I don't know you that well but from what I'm seeing here, Daffy must have been a good friend. But, Captain Dodgers is a remarkable leader and someone that I too can call a good friend. He may be strict and harsh but on the inside, he's a good person." Cadet said with an upbeat voice.

"Well, he may have changed his attitude, acts serious, and is surprisingly more mature, he still is the same Daffy that I know by heart." Bugs said as he turns to face Cadet with his head down.

"Come on, let's wrap up the tour so we can join the others for dinner later." Cadet said as he closes up the captain's room closet and has Bugs follow him to finish the rest of the tour.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now