Chapter 18

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*Author's note: This song is like a background music so you can play it anytime but, if you want it to have a significant effect on your heart, I would play it when on the part where they head back to the rooms. Enjoy! 😍

When they got closer to the surprise, Daffy decided to place down their champagne bottle along with their glasses down on the ground and use his hands to cover up Bug's eyes.

"Eh, Doc, what are you doing?" Bugs asked, confused.

"Well, I still have to surprise you don't I?" Daffy asked.

"Haha. This really isn't necessary." Bugs said, laughing a little.

"Oh no, I can not have my friend be spoiled of all the anticipation that awaits for him, that'll just ruin the fun." Daffy emphasized.

"Okay, fine." Bugs smirked as Daffy guides him to the surprise spot.

After a couple minutes worth of steps has passed, Daffy finally uncovered Bug's eyes.

"Alright, you can open them now." Daffy said excitedly.

When Bugs opened his eyes, he stood there astonished and jaw dropped by the breathtaking scenery.

It was the maze garden that he had been looking forward to all week.

He just couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Wow, its even more beautiful now than I ever expected." Bugs said exclaimed.

The maze was a nicely trimmed hedge garden with angel fountains on both sides of the entrance along with a gate in the front of it.

Inside the maze, the center of it has an accessible staircase structure for visitors to climb all the way to the top where they can see an open view of the Country Club from its top balcony.

While Bugs continue to stare in awe, Daffy ran back to grab the champagne bottle and the glasses that he had left.

When he got back, he tapped in Bugs shoulders to check on him.

"Hey Bugs are you okay? Was it too much or wasn't as grand as you would expect or.." Daffy said in a panic until Bugs interrupted him.

"...I love it. It's perfect." Bugs said with a infatuated smile as he turned his head to face Daffy.

"Oh, so um...ready to get the best seats in the house? There's a center building in the maze that we can go to and its got a front-view sighting of the Club when you reach the top of it." Daffy offered anxiously.

"Sure." Bugs said as he holds on Daffy free hand to try to calm him down a little and opens the gate with his other hand.

After a few minutes has pass with the two strolling down the hedge way paths, they finally reach the center and begin to climb on the steps of the stairway.

When they reach the top, they leaned over the railing and watched the scenery of it all.

"This is so peaceful. I could just stay here forever." Bugs said as Daffy begin to pour the champagne onto their glasses and hands one over Bugs.

"Me too. As long as I'm here with you." Daffy said with a doting smile.

Bugs then, lean in and attempted to kiss Daffy when all sudden, Daffy panicked and leaned away from him.

"I uh...I think it's getting late. We should probably head back to our rooms right now. Come on, I'll walk you back." Daffy stammered.

"Oh, okay" Bugs said with a heartbroken rejected face.

I guess it wasn't meant to be. Bugs thought sadly as they slows exit the maze.

They first went to the outdoor patio to place down their emptied drinks along with the bottle on the table.

After that, they went through the bistro and headed back to their rooms, without their hands touching as they walked in silence.

Both, hurt and stunned by each other's reactions.

When they got to Bug's room, Daffy and Bugs face each other.

"Thanks, for the evening Doc, it was was really something." Bugs said with a faint smile as he rubbed his arm.

"Your welcome. Listen, I...." Daffy said before he paused in thought.

Daffy what are doing? If you leave now, then it'll be too late. You need to tell him. Just tell him.

He had to say it.

He has to tell him how he feels about him.

Before he couldn't say it again.

He took a deep breath and confessed.

"....I....I like you. Like really like you. I wanted to kiss you so badly but I was too scared to do it  and I was so afraid of what might possibly happen if I were take that chance. Ever since you got here, for the past several days, I've been thinking about you and my heart would beat nonstop every time I see you. The truth is, I'm in love with you. I hope you can forgive me for backing out before..." Daffy said as Bugs heart swelled up and by an instant, he cupped Daffy's face and kissed him on the lips.

He couldn't wait anymore.

He couldn't give it a second thought and took this as an opportunity to express how he felt for him too.

He wanted to show him that he truly cares about him without a single doubt in mind.

Daffy, now powerless and overwhelmed by the kiss stood there as if he was in a dream.

He never knew that it would end up like this.

It was too good to be true.

He then wrapped his arms around Bugs as they  continue to passionately kiss.

Breathless and without another moment of waiting, Bugs unlocks the door from behind and lets the two of them inside his room where they would spend the night alone together.

*Author's note: I have young readers so I'm not going to put anything inappropriate. Whatever comes to thought in your little creative minds... stays in your minds! Sorry, not my cup of tea. But I do hope that you still enjoy the story so far. 😂

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now