Chapter 11

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Cadet smiled and walked over to Aurora with his hands behind his back.

"H...Hi Aurora. G...glad you could make it." Cadet said excitedly.

"Hi cutie. Of course. I wouldn't miss anything as long as I can be here with you." Aurora said while she bend over and kiss Cadet on the forehead.

Bugs smiled at the two.

They may be strange in all sorts of ways, but they were perfect for each other.

Bugs then, started to feel his heart tear.

He didn't know what to feel at the moment.

It was like something was missing but he didn't know what.

He brushed it aside and started the game by playing the first round frame, which was marked with his name.

He grabbed a small red ball and rolled it on the lane.

The ball ended up scoring him a strike.

Even though he scored good, he decided not to praise about it since Daffy wasn't feeling too well and Cadet was busy talking to Aurora.

After he scored another strike with the second half of his turn, Daffy got up immediately and grabbed a ball.

The board pulled up his name, indicating that it was his turn.

He grabbed a purple ball and begin to roll it down the lane.

Cadet turned from Aurora for a moment and realized that he didn't put up the bumpers for Daffy since he knew that Daffy was never good at bowling, but wanted to make him feel better.

"Oh D...Daffy w...wait I forgot to...." Cadet warned but it was too late and Daffy's ball ended up in the gutters.

Daffy, furious, wanted to storm off and leave but he couldn't do it, not in front of Bugs for him to make a fool out of himself.

Instead, he just shook his head.

"Dang it!" He muttered to where only Bugs, who was right next to him, could hear it.

Bugs felt bad and attempted to lend him a hand for his second half of the turn.

"Here let me..." Bugs offered before he got cut off.

"I don't need your help! I don't need anyone's help!" Daffy yelled.

He got angry for a moment but then changed expression when he noticed Bug's hurt eyes.

"I'm..I'm sorry. I...think I need to lie down for a little while. You guys can finish up the game if you want to. I'm calling it a day." Daffy said as he quickly walked away.

His face was red with embarrassment and his eyes started to water but he knew that if he didn't leave right away, he would break down in front of everyone.

"Wait! Daff..." Bugs called to Daffy before he got interrupted by Cadet's hand on his shoulder.

"L...let him be. He just needs to cool down for a  minute. H...he'll be alright. me, he'll c...come back around." Cadet reassured Bugs.

"Okay." Bugs said sadly.

Then, a buzz noise was made in Cadet's pocket as he pulled out his phone and answered it.

"H...hello? O....oh Dr. Grebsiew. are you?" Cadet asked while listening to thee doctor on the other end.

His expression changed from excitement to surprised.

"O...oh sure. Y...yeah I can get him to c...come see you. A...alright then. W....we're o...on our way. B...bye." Cadet said as he hung up the phone.

"Dr. Grebsiew? Is he the doctor that treated me when I fainted that day? Bugs asked.

"Y...yep a...and he w...wants to see you." Cadet announces.

"I...guess I can talk to them. Maybe him and S.O.A....whatever he is, could tell me about my time machine then." Bugs agreed but then second guessed on what he had just said.

"W...well, if that's how you feel. I can walk with you to t...them then. C...come on. He's n...not far from this building. Aurora I...I'm sorry about all this. I...I'll make it up to you." Cadet apologized with sympathetic eyes.

Aurora smiled and squish Cadet's cheek.

"It's okay sweetie. I'll just wait right here until you get back. Maybe we can start over and play a new game. Just me and you. Who knows? Maybe you can show me all your strong moves!" Aurora said as she kissed Cadet's cheek that she squished.

"O...okay then!" Cadet beamed as he motioned Bugs for him to follow him to the lab.

"Bye sugar!" Aurora yelled as they left the bowling alley.


Meanwhile, Daffy, who was both hurt and angry, manages to make to his bedroom on time and slammed the door shut.

He took a deep breath and looked at himself in the vanity mirror.

Tears immediately begin to pour down his face.

All of a sudden, he punched the mirror with his fist out of rage.

As he watched pieces of glass shards slowly fall down from the mirror, he looked back and compared himself to the smashed mirror.

Both broken and shattered.

What is wrong with me? Why can't I do anything right? He thought as he took a few more minutes to look at the damaged furniture before he decide to resort to his bed.

He turned off the lights and buried himself under the covers.

He hope that he can apologize to Bugs for his erratic behavior before it's too late.

He can make it up to him...maybe. Daffy thought as he drifted off to sleep.


While that happened, Bugs and Cadet walked in silence.

They reached by the lab door but stopped for a second.

Cadet had a feeling that if he didn't say anything right, it'll be too late and he'll leave his best friend for good.

"Bugs b....before we go in. I n...need to talk to you about C...Captain Dodgers. H... he uh was u....under the impression that you were hiding something f...from him. I t...told him that you weren't but you still n...need to talk him about what you know about him." Cadet urged.

"Doc, you know I can't do that. he'll never forgive me if he knows that I knew his secret and betrayed his trust. Look...I overheard you two. I understand that he's angry and he wants to know but I just can't tell him." Bugs said sadly as he rubbed his neck.

"W...well there's a...actually something else. You see C...Captain Dodgers is in lo...." Cadet said before he got interrupted by lab door opening.

A skinny frail nerd like kid with glasses, braces and black hair came out of the lab.

He looked to be about 16 and shyly introduced himself.

"Oh good! You're both here! Hi! I'm S.O.A.S.A.B. Also known as Scientist Of All Sciences And Beyond! You must be Bugs! Come on in, I got some good news about your time machine!" S.O.A.S.A.B said as he shook hands with Bugs and motioned them to enter the lab with the door closed behind them.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now