Epilogue: True Ending

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*Author's note: like I announced in the last chapter, this is the aftermath of last chapter. A big chunk of this is in the view of a recorded video, meaning that it has already happened but is 'replayed' for the audience to see what happened during that time. Enjoy! 😘

A year later:

The scene shows a wedding, viewed like a video tape recording, as vows are being read by Bugs and Daffy.

Both were wearing white tuxedos and face each other holding hands as their pastor Foghorn Leghorn lay out the basic words of the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate this beautiful event that will unify together Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, who are supported here by family and friends that took the time to celebrate it will us today...." Foghorn Leghorn said as he continue the pastor citations while the videotape leaned the camera on the guests, who were tearing up from the speech including friends like Lola, Tina, Speedy, Yosemite, Witch Lezah along with Gossamer and Granny.

The camera then, leans over to show the the best men for the two.

 Rodney on Bug's side while Porky was on Daffy's side.

Who were both happy and proud to be their groomsmen.

"....Gentlemen, you may now read your vows." Foghorn Leghorn finish announcing as he gave the microphone to Bugs who decided to go first.

Bugs grabbed his letter from the inside of his coat pocket and read out loud his vow.

"I Bugs Bunny, promise to always love you through sickness and in health. No matter how wacky our lives may be. No matter how much you drive me crazy with your nonstop snoring and your weird quirks. I promise to never leave you in spite of angry or frustration and be a dearing husband to you. You're the light to my dullness. You're my whole world. You're the chaos to my everyday seemingly perfect life but in truth, I know that it wouldn't be fully complete without you in it." Bugs said smiling as he finished his vow and passed down the microphone to Daffy.

Daffy then, grabbed his letter from his coat pocket and read his vow too out loud.

"I Daffy Duck, promise to always you love you through sickness and in health. To be a loving husband and always remember your birthday, even if I forgot sometimes. I promise to not be so selfish and always remember to put my dishes in the dishwater. I promise to cook and work hard so that I won't feel like a lazy bum to you. I promise to always talk to you and be honest with you even when I am down. You're my best friend and I'll always love you until the very end." Daffy grinned widely as he finished his vow too and gave the microphone back to Foghorn Leghorn.

Their friends started to laugh a little from the speeches while Taz, who was the ring barrier, walked up with an opened ring box and gave it to Bugs.

Both Daffy and Bugs then,  grab the rings from the box and put them on each other's fingers.

When that was done, they waited for Foghorn Leghorn, who was now teary from the whole scene of it.

"I say, that I here now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss." Foghorn Leghorn finished as Bugs grabbed Daffy as he leaned him over sideways style and kissed him.

The crowd of guests then cheered as Bugs and Daffy hold each other's hand and lift them in the air signifying their union. 

The scene is now viewed at Bug's and Daffy house where it is now fuller and more complete.

Bugs and Daffy sat next to other on the coach viewing this video along with their now 4 adopted children who were 5 years old and sat on their laps as the video finally rolled to credits.

Twins Babs (Barbara) and Buster, who are pink and blue bunnies, Plucky, who was a green duck and Shirley who was a white and blonde loon. 

"Daddy, can we watch it again?" Babs said as she leaned on to Bugs. 

"Babs, we already watched it twice." Plucky complained.

"I don't care, I wanna see it again." Babs argued.

"Yeah and can you tell us the story of how you and dad met?" Shirley asked Daffy.

"Or how you got to time travel and.." Buster said to Bugs when he got interrupted by Daffy.

"Kids, kids, why don't you go sit at the kitchen table while me and your father talk for a few minutes. If you be good, I can order in us some stuff-crust pizza and brownies from Uncle Speedy's Pizzeria for tonight's dinner." Daffy announced while he laughed.

"Yes!" The kids all yelled at once as they ran back to the kitchen and sat on the dinner room chairs, waited patiently for their food.

"Daffy, we talk about this, they're supposed to eat healthy food, not just junk." Bugs scorned.

"Come on, Bugs its just pizza. Its not going to kill them." Daffy argued.

"Alright fine but tomorrow, its salad, soup and carrot pie." Bugs said. 

"Really? Do you have to put carrots in every dessert?" Daffy asked, frowned.

"No, but if it makes you feel better, we can do carrot cake instead." Bugs said as Daffy rolled his eyes.

"I love it when you are so persistent." Daffy said laughing a bit.

"I love you. Happy Anniversary Daffy." Bugs said as he leans over and kisses Daffy on the lips.

Then, they heard yelling.

"Dad! Where's the pizza?! We're starving!" Buster yelled as Bugs and Daffy leaned on each other's heads and laughed.

They got up and walk to the kitchen to help prepare dinner while holding hands.

*Author's note: Ending 1 is finally done! Woohoo! But there are still more endings to come through so hold on just a little longer! Again thank you all for supporting this story. Its been really fun working on this project! Oh, and the video above is an AMV you can watch it as a background or watch it as a bonus since it has scenes of the two. Enjoy and I will soon post the remaining endings. 

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