Chapter 15

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*Authors note: the music above is like a background song, similar to hallmark and romcom movies where a love song is playing while the couple has fun during a date or hangout. This song fits so well with this couple that I figured I would use it for this chapter. When you get to the sections with the videos, you can pause it if you want and watch the videos to follow along with the scenes before switching back to this one. I hope you will enjoy this chapter as much as I have! 😻

After the Bugs and Daffy had breakfast, they decide to redo their bowling game and head down to the bowling alley to sign up for another game.

Daffy chose to go first this time and still got the gutter ball...again.

"Shoot, I suck at bowling. I can never get past these gutters." Daffy groaned. 

"Here, let me show you an old bowler's trick, first you straighten your arms and only bend your elbows slightly while..." Bugs said as he got behind Daffy and connect his hand on the bowling ball with Daffy's hand.

Daffy blushes profusely at first, but then calms his heart down.

He then, relaxes his muscles and allows Bugs to show him the trick.

"....then you roll the ball, carefully and...go." Bugs said as he let go of Daffy, who took the signal and rolled the ball. 

The bowling ball ended up striking all of the pins.

"Yes! I finally got a strike and I didn't even need those plastic thingies." Daffy said excitedly.

"You mean bumpers" Bugs corrected. 

"Whatever, whatever. Next!" Daffy said.

Bugs chuckled as they continue to go back and forth with their rounds.

With the majority of the rounds consisting of spares and strikes, Daffy and Bugs were neck to neck with their scores, almost ending the game with a tie. 

When the final round came around, Daffy had a score of 210 while Bugs was in lead with 220. 

Daffy, with confidence, rolled his ball for his turn and got a strike for his two turns. 

Bugs, for his turn, decides to purposely rolled his ball off and end up only getting 2 gutters for his turn rather than a strike for his last round, so that Daffy could win.

"Woohoo! I won, I won!" Daffy yelled excitedly while jumping up and down, unware that Bugs cheated to make him happy.

"Yeah Doc, you beat me...again." Bugs said with a fake pout face to make his reaction seem real. 

"Great. So now what?" Daffy asked.

"Wanna watch a movie? Bugs suggested

"Sure" Daffy said as they head down to theater room to request a movie to play on the projector. 


When they got there, they decide to watch a movie called 1944's Double Indemnity and sat in the middle section of the theater with popcorn and drinks in their hands.

the movie was a classic Femme Fatale movie about an insurance salesman (Walter) who becomes a part of a murder scheme to kill the husband of his married lover (Phyllis) in an attempt to collect the insurance money and run away with her together. 

They watch the scene where the plan falls apart and Walter notices that Phyllis was just using him as a pawn so, he confronts her.

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