Chapter 3

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The next day, Bugs woke up again and this time it was morning with faded light peering through the bottom of his door, so he should be able to get off his bed now without anyone telling him to rest.

As he sits up on his bed, he thought about last night's conversation.

He really needed to figure out who were the two people that saved his life. Maybe he can use their help to get him back home.

Just then, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts as the door open revealing one of the mysterious people who helped him.

Bugs could not believe his eyes.

It was his friend Porky except he was wearing a light purple space jumpsuit with purple protective gloves, belt, boots and was wearing a head cap with an antennae sticking out out it.

"Porky? What are you doing here? And what's with the suit? You look ridiculous in that outfit." Bugs said confused and weirded out.

"His name is Cadet and as long as you stay on my ship, you will treat your peers with some respect" said a voice behind the door before the figure appeared walk into his room.

Bug's eyes were wide with shock, it was one thing to see Porky but this...this can't be real.

It was Daffy only he was wearing a light blue space jumpsuit with blue protective gloves, belt and boots.

He was leaning against the doorway, stern glaring at him with stone cold eyes.

Bugs could feel his bitterness as if he was staring into his blackened heart.

It gave him a chill through his spine.

"What the....Daffy?"

What is he doing here he thought.

"The name is Captain Dodgers. Duck Dodgers. I don't know where you get this 'daffy' or 'porky' from, but clearly you are either on the wrong planet or you're from the past earth time, now which is it?" Captain Dodgers asked rudely.

"Daffy its me Bugs. You don't remember me? We were best friends. You was my roommate for 5 years in my house. I used to either make breakfast or we would go out for lunch and dinner because you didn't know how to cook food." Bugs with soft sad eyes.

He knew he had done something wrong. Why else would he look at him like that?

"Cadet, take our guest for a tour around the ship while I'll go talk to S.O.A.S.A.B about his time machine." Captain Dodgers instructed Cadet, ignoring Bugs for the moment.

"S.O.A.....what now? Bugs asked confused.

"Ugh. He is the 'Scientist Of All Sciences And Beyond'. In reality he's just a regular scientist who just wanted a cool acronym name." Captain Dodgers said making quotation marks as he turned around to leave and then stops for a minute to say something else "Oh and one more thing, at about 0700, dinner will served in the cafeteria hall of the ship. I will be looking forward to seeing you both there." He said as he walked out of the room and heads to the laboratory.

"0700?" Bugs asked Cadet, once again confused.

"Oh that just means 7 pm. in military time. know he was in the Marines once when he was younger." Cadet said proudly.

"You don't say." Bugs said sarcastically.

"Come on, let me show you the tour of o...our lovely ship." Cadet said as he leads Bugs out of the room so they can start the tour.

As Bugs and Cadet explore the ship's main floors and the outskirts of the floor plan, Bugs decide to talk to him so he can at least figure out what the heck is going on.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now