Chapter 13

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"So, what's maestro going to be playing for us today?" Bugs asked in a fake British accent.

Daffy giggled and shook his head.

He was glad that Bugs was staying a little more .

Now, all they have to worry about is not having enough fun.

Hopefully they can pick back up from where they started.

"Well there's so many songs to choose from I don't know what to do. the song book is right here. Would you like to have a look at it?" Daffy asked smiling.

"Why, I'd be honored to." Bugs said in a fancy way as he grabbed the book from the piano stand and scanned through to see what they can play.

When he finally found a song, he placed his finger as a marker to the name.

"We can play that one." Bugs said as he points to song name, River Flows In You by Yiruma.

"Okay! Uh...." Daffy said nervously as he looks at the keys.

It had literally centuries since he played this instrument and he doesn't know where to start.

He even forgot which keys are what and how to pedal at the right timing.

"Well...I might be a bit rusty with this. It's been a long time since I last played the piano. I might miss a few keys here and there." Daffy explained while rubbing his neck, his face slowly turning red.

"That's okay. I can teach you. I'll be the right hand and you can be the left hand. I'll even do the pedaling technique for you."  Bugs offered.

"I don't know where the..." Daffy said before he got interrupted by Bugs.

"Here." Bugs said softly as he grabbed his hand and guides him to area that had the F sharp major and the D add 2 chords.

Daffy immediately blushed, butterflies start to ache in his stomach.

He knows that he was just helping him, but it felt like it was something more.

"First, you press F sharp, C sharp, then F sharp again. Followed by D, A, E." Bugs instructed.

Daffy, still awestruck by his kindness, slowly tried to repeat at what he did.

When he missed a key, he muttered to himself.

"Dang it." Daffy said, frustrated.

"It's okay. It takes practice. Here let me show you one more time. Press F sharp, C sharp, then F sharp again. Followed by D, A, E." Bugs repeated as he once again guides his hand to the keys.

Daffy followed through and correctly played the keys this time.

"Good. Now when I say go, I'm going to play the right hand with you. Ready....go." Bugs said as they both played keys at the same time.

While Daffy played the same notes, Bugs, on the right hand side, played A, G sharp, A, G sharp, A, E, A, D. A, C Sharp.

*start listening to music above

Then, Bugs added pedaling and motioned Daffy to played the keys a little faster as the music combines and sinks into melody.

While the music is playing, Daffy, amazed and happy that he was able to play, laughs blissfully.

"Ha, I did it. I can play!" Daffy said excitedly.

As they continued to repeat the chords and play out the rest of the song, Bugs looks over and smiles.

There was that spark of joy that he had been looking for.

Bugs then, felt a surge of heat from his face, except it wasn't embarrassment.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now