Chapter 19

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The next day, Daffy wakes up and leans over to see Bugs lying peacefully asleep in his bed.

"Good morning Bugs." Daffy said softly as he
smiled and kissed him on his forehead.

Bugs winced a little and smiled in his sleep, indicating that he is some what awake but continues to slumber anyways.

Daffy then, slowly rises up from the bed so that he doesn't disturb Bugs from his sleep and decides to help clean up some of the clothes that were skewed all over the place from last night.

He grabbed the garment bag and tucked in Bug's tuxedo with the attached bow tie along with the pants in the bag nicely, and folded neatly.

Next, He  folded his own tuxedo and pants neatly and left it in a stacked pile by the door since he left his own garment bag in his rooms and get it later.

He then noticed Bug's jumpsuit along with the pair of clothes that were worn from their earlier part of the date and folded the clothes into a nice neat, stack.

He used one arm to hold onto the clothes and use the other to open up the top drawer to place the clothes in.

He was about to put the clothes in when he notices a pair of old fashioned gloves that were left inside the drawer.

He put down the clothes on the floor and picked up the gloves.

They were stained a slightly yellow color and had a light tore on the corner of it.

Daffy's heart begin to drop, he knew better than to think that these came from the present Bugs himself because damages like these only exist from being stored for a long period of time.

There was only one place that Daffy could think of where the gloves could be

He felt hurt and at the same time angry that he had been deceived.

Not now. He thought. Not like this. Everything was just starting to get better.

While Daffy continued to look at the gloves shocked and dismay, Bugs started to wake up.

He yawned and begin to stretch his limbs out.

"Good Morning. Uh Doc, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" Bugs asked confused, as he looks at the frozen Daffy.

"Where did you get these?" Daffy asked rhetorically as he turns around and shows Bugs the old pair of gloves.

Bug's face start to drain of color.

He had completely forgotten all about them.

Now how was he going to tell him he thought.

"I can explain." Bugs said as he immediately got up from the bed.

"I'm only going to ask you this one more time. Where did you get these?" Daffy asked in a now more angry tone.

"I....I took them from your time capsule." Bugs confessed as he rubs his neck, anxiously.

"So, you knew then." Daffy said, stunned.

"Yes, Daffy I did." Bugs said sadly as he lowered his head in guilt

"How long, did you know that it was me. The real me from the present time?" Daffy asked, lowering his voice a bit in an attempt to calm down a little.

"I found out on the day of the tour. I snuck off while Cadet wasn't looking and broke into your basement. I'm sorry, I had to find out. I had to see that it was you and as soon I as did. I...just didn't know what to do. When I looked at the date of your experiment, I knew that it happened on the day after we fought. I still just couldn't understand it thou. Why? Why in the world would you put yourself through that knowing that you'll be all alone. But by then, Cadet had found me and showed the rest of your stuff. I saw mementos of everyone including, me. And when I saw the pair of gloves, I simply took them with me." Bugs explained.

"So all of this time, you've been lying to me? I trusted you. After everything we have been though. After all of the hangouts and all of the times that you and I have spent together. And even after....last night. You still couldn't come forward and tell me. You had all of this time to say something. Anything. And yet you still hold back. You're unbelievable. You're the still same despicable person that I've known in all of my five years that I lived with you. We were friends for 17 years and you still hide things from me like I don't mean anything to you. You're a terrible friend." Daffy yelled, with tears welling up from his eyes.

"Well if I was so bad, why did you still stay then when we were living together? You could have found a job already and took off while you still can. Why did you have to put up with me?" Bugs asked, now angry and frustrated.

"I...just couldn't bare the thought of leaving my only best friend in the world. After you left with the time machine, you were considered a missing person and everyone was looking for you that day. I knew better and believed that you just wanted to get away from me along with anyone else who was ruining your perfect little life." Daffy quivered.

Bugs then, stopped getting angry and tried to comfort him.

"Daffy, it's not like that." Bugs said as he tried to grab his arm, when Daffy all of a sudden jerked it away.

"Yes it is! I may be weird and annoying but I'm not an idiot. I volunteered to be experimented on that stupid cryptic machine because I thought I can finally accomplish something meaningful and be someone important for once. Then, the whole world would know that I'm not just a failure." Daffy sobbed as tries to wipe away tears that were pouring down his face.

"Daffy..." Bugs said before he was interrupted.

"Forget it! It doesn't matter anymore. This is my new life now and I'm not going back on that trip again.... Here, take the stupid necklace, I don't even need it anymore. It's worthless to me." Daffy yelled angrily as he rips the chocker necklace from his neck and shoves it on Bug's hands.

"But... this....this is your grandmother's." Bugs said softly.

"Yes it is, but I'm not the same person that you once knew. I'll have Cadet pack everything that you need for your journey back home and since S.O.A.S.A.B has already fixed your machine up, you can just go when you get ready. I'll let the others know that you're leaving soon so you don't even have to stop by to say goodbye." Daffy said as slowly starts to walk out of Bug's room when he was stopped at the door by Bugs.

"Daffy, listen..." Bugs says as he turns to face him.

"Please, stop. I don't need anymore lectures. Just do me a favor alright? Go home while you still can. Say goodbye to old Daffy for me. It really has been fun getting to know you again. We made a lot of great adventures together you and I but now, it's time to start things anew. I bid you a safe farewell home. Goodbye Bugs." Daffy said as he left the room.

Bugs stood still shaking and quivering as he clenched on to his best friend's necklace.

The only identity that was left of Daffy.

Tears then, pour down his face as he sat on the edge of the bed and sob out in pain.

He knew he has now made a mistake and lost his best friend.... possibly forever.

It was only a matter of time until he loses him again in the present time when he has to go back.

"I' sorry Daffy. Please tell me how to fix this." Bugs said, holding on to himself as continues sobs in guilt.

*Author's note: I'm sorry please forgive me! 😭 There has to be drama! Don't say I didn't warn ya! 😩 But! The story is not over yet! So hang in there! 😌

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