Chapter 2

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After a flash of light, the time machine begins to appear in the middle of a futuristic silver themed golf course.

Bugs can feel the machine jolt hard as it lands in a nearby sand pit.

The invention instantly broke and starts to burn up in smoke.

Bugs then, unbuckles his seat belt in a daze.

As he got out of the vehicle, he can hear two familiar voices who were immersing themselves in conversation from afar with the two silhouette figures starting to walk towards his way, he takes this as an opportunity to shout for help.

"! I think my machine is broken!" Bugs shouts at a distance and although the two figures did not hear them, they were coming in his direction anyways so he at least had to give it a shot.

It's alright Bugs. They'll be here in a moment and you'll have it fixed in no time. Bugs thought, when all of the sudden, a wave of dizziness hits him and causes him to collapse to the ground.

The traveling process from one time to another on his machine has caused him to quickly dehydrate and develop temporary vertigo as a side effect.

As he crutches his stomach up in pain, he begins to close his eyes.

The voices all of a sudden start to get closer and closer to him.

Although he can't see them, he can hear them talking with one in a panic.

"O...oh my. Captain w...what do we do?" the first voice asks.

"Bring him inside Cadet. I'll have Dr. Grebsiew have a look at him." the second voice sterns.

That almost sounds like.... Bugs thought about the second voice right as he suddenly blacks out.

After what felt like days, Bugs begins to open his eyes slowly, hoping not to pass out again.

He looks around and sees that he is lying on a small plain twin bed with a nearby dresser and a desk that included a chair as if he was in a hotel room.

The room was pitch black, indicating that the lights are turned off and that it was nighttime.

He begins to get up off the bed and decides to find the two figures whose names he assumes so far to be as 'Cadet' and 'Captain' to thank them for helping him when all of a sudden he sees 3 shadow like figures that were coming up in front of his door and jumps back in the bed.

He wanted to let them know that he was fine and didn't want the doctor to force him on any more treatments.

He begins to listen on the 3 conversing among themselves assumingly about his condition at state.

The first voice begins the conversation.

"Well Captain, I've got so good news and some bad news. The good news is that your friend seems to be in perfect good health." The first voice said, assuming to Bugs, to be the doctor's voice.

Phew! What a relief  Bugs thought as he continues to listen.

"He is not my friend, I just had Cadet take him in so that no one will know that a time traveler have crossed our dimension." The familiar 'Captain's' voice said in a harsh tone.

Woah, the Captain is rude. I wonder what flew up his tail? Bugs thought angrily.

"Oh sorry Captain. I just assumed... Erm anyways, the bad news, speaking of his time travels, is that his time machine is completely busted. It may take weeks, maybe even months to have it all fixed up for yeah. I bet S.O.A.S.A.B can take a look at it tomorrow morning and see where its prognosis stands." The doctor announces.

"T...thank you Doctor. You can go now" The third voice and assumingly the 'Cadet's' voice said as thick shadow starts to leave.

Jeez. I bet the Cadet is a lot nicer than the Captain. Maybe I'll ask him how to get home tomorrow. I defiantly don't want get in the way of his superior. Bugs thought as he decides to listen in more on what the two are saying once the doctor left.

"What's wrong Captain? seem upset" Cadet said in a worried tone.

"Its him." The captain said in a soft tone.

"What?! A...are you sure?" Cadet asked curiously.

"I've never been sure of anything in my life." The captain said sadly.

"Well you'll have to tell him then." Cadet advised.

"No! he can never know who I am. I won't allow it. As soon as his time machine is fixed, we are sending him back to where he came from." The captain instructed.

"But..." Cadet try to say before he got interrupted by his superior.

"That's an order!" The captain yelled angrily.

"Can't you at least talk to him?" Cadet asked.

"Sure, but what good would that do. Maybe...if he doesn't figure it out just yet, I can talk to him I guess a little bit while he's in town, but I'm still not telling him the truth. Its...just not worth it. I've already messed things up for him once and I'm not going back on that same road again." The captain said in a gloomily tone.

"Okay. Whatever you think is best then Captain" Cadet sighed.

"Good. Now, get some rest Cadet, we have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Goodnight." The captain said in a tired low voice.

" too Captain goodnight." Cadet said as the two part ways and head towards their rooms to sleep.

That's odd. Why would the captain not tell me who he is? What is he hiding from me? I better get some sleep. A good rest should help me focus better. I need all the strength I can get if I want make it back home. Bugs thought as he lay back down on his bed and cover himself up with sheets.

He took a few minutes to relax and after a couple of seconds, he closed his eyes and fell fast asleep.

This was going to be a long journey.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now