Chapter 14

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*author's note: in case you get confused, the dialogue in the first chunk of this chapter before the line across is a duel, split screen type of dialogue where 2 characters talk to someone but are in different locations. In this scenario, Bugs talk to Cadet while Daffy talks to Aurora about what went down during the last 2 chapters.

The next day, as Bugs and Daffy continue to snooze away, they suddenly got a surprise visit by their friends to see how last night went.

Knocks came at both doors as Bugs and Daffy slowly opened their doors to see Aurora and Cadet standing there, happy and excited to chat about the evening.

"Oh, Hi Aurora." Daffy said, who was half asleep and yawned.

"Morning Doc. Whatcha need?" Bugs asked sleepily as he rubs his eyes roughly.

Apparently neither of them got enough sleep last night and were exhausted.

"Hiya precious. We need to talk about last night. I have to know what you and your man's been up to." Aurora said eagerly.

"H...hi Bugs. I j...just w...want to know d...did everything go yesterday." Cadet said, who was proud to have been a big help to Bugs.

"Sure come on in and oh watch your step there, I uh never got a chance to clean up some of the mess that I made yesterday." Daffy warned Aurora as she stepped inside the room and noticed stray pieces of glass on the floor.

"Oh honey, what happened?" Aurora asked.

"I was angry, not at anyone specifically but...myself. It''s hard to explain." Daffy said embarrassed.

"Tell me more. I'm all ears sugar." Aurora said encouraging.

"That's fine Doc, come on in, oh and sorry for the bed being sloppy. I DID just woke up." Bugs said, a little grouchy from the lack of sleep.

"'s okay I u...understand. So t...tell me. D...did you two have fun?" Cadet asked, gleefully.

After both Bugs and Daffy explain the 'surprise' and their reactions to it, Cadet and Aurora cheered them and urge them to continue.

"That is so sweet! Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. tell me, tell me what did you do after that?" Aurora asked in a hyper tone.

"Aww, t...that's nice." Cadet said.

Then, Bugs and Daffy told them about the Star Johnson situation.

"Ah! How rude! At least Bugs stood up for you and put him in his place. I am so not going to talk to him ever again." Aurora pouted.

"E...w...when I see that jerk again, I'm going to kick him to high end! one treats friends like that!" Cadet said, angrily.

When Cadet and Aurora cooled off from the incident, Bugs and Daffy told them about after they walked up to Bug's room.

"I asked him to dinner and he said...yes" Daffy said, edgily.

"Eeeeeee!" Aurora squealed, making Daffy jump a bit.

"I said...yes." Bugs said while rubbing his neck.

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