Alternative Ending #5: Stay with me

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*Author's note: this what-if is: what-if after Daffy walked away from their fight in Chapter 19, Bugs decide to stay in the future time.

As Bugs continued to hold on to Daffy's chocker necklace, he lie down on his bed in thought.

He had just about bawled himself to death and felt like his whole heart was now broken into two.

He didn't want to go.

But he also didn't want to hurt him anymore either.

He knows that if he goes back home and back to the present time, it would already be too late.

All of the moments that they have spent together.

All the laughter and smiles that they pass on to each other.

And even last night when they shared the room together.

Will be all gone within his grasp and he knows that he can never get those memories back.

He then thought of a idea that had struck him like a lightning bolt.

He put the chocker necklace in a safe place and walked over to see if he can find Cadet.

He knows how he can made it up to him

He just hopes that it'll work.


Meanwhile, Daffy lie down on his bed in his room with his eyes puffy sore and red.

He had been crying for what seemed like hours.

He truly didn't want him to leave but he felt like that there whole adventure together; their tennis match, the piano playing, the skating, the movie watching, the laughter that they were sharing, the karaoke, the dinner and...last night...was all nothing more than a big lie.

It wasn't real.

Or was it? He thought.

He couldn't think anymore and got up of his bed in attempt to get some fresh air.

He walked out of his room and grabbed his brown leather bomber jacket on his way out, in case the ship had their air conditioner on high tonight.

When he got to the Club, he walked downstairs and head to the one place were it all felt unfinished, the maze garden.

He strolled through the dark hedge paths and made it to the middle area.

He climbed up the staircase and got to the top balcony view.

When all of a sudden, he stopped in his tracks.

His heart was racing fast and for a very good reason.

Leaning on the railings wearing a black tuxedo near a candle-lighted setup table with 2 champagne glasses left untouched and full, was none other than Bugs.

Daffy wanted to walk away but his heart forced him to urge on forward.

He decide to walk towards Bugs and leaned on the railing beside him.

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