Chapter 17

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For their dinner date, instead of going to the restaurant that was located in the Cafeteria Hall, Daffy had other plans in mind and lead the two of them to the Country Club where a certain secret surprise place was waiting for them in store.

"So, where are we going Doc?" Bugs asked curiously.

"Well, an old cafeteria hall that is crowded full of people is not what I would call a quiet, relaxing dinner. So, I thought that I could change up the scenery a little bit. You make it more seclusive and all." Daffy stammered nervously.

"Oh well, that sure sounds real fancy. But seriously, you didn't have to do all of that for me. I couldn't ask you do anything much." Bugs said, trying to be modest.

He didn't want Daffy to overdo it or get upset if something goes wrong.

All he wants to do is just be with him and stay by his side.

That's all that matters.

"Don't worry about it Bugs. It's no problem at all really. I just...wanted to make this day extra special and you deserve to be treated to a nice dinner. It's the least that I could do for you. After all, you DID decide to stay, even though you could have left me....I mean us without even saying a goodbye so this simply a gratitude for your kindness." Daffy hesitates, his face glowing a bit.

He didn't want to make Bugs think that he was doing this for just him.

He was doing this for them.

He was doing this

"Okay then. I trust you." Bugs said as he leans over and kisses Daffy on the cheek.

Daffy's face immediately blew up red and hot.

"And I trust that this would be a real treat." Bugs continued smiling, as he switches his position from elbow to elbow to his soft, glove hand reaching and holding on Daffy's hand.

Daffy, trying not to look down at their hands, for him to be even nervous than ever, looks over and sees that they're almost there.

"Oh's right through here." Daffy pointed to Bugs, who was a little surprise that they are going to a familiar area.

"Uh Doc, isn't that the bistro? And isn't it closed up for the night?" Bugs asked confused.

"Oh, no. This is not the dinner spot. But you have to go into the place to get there. Here let me show you." Daffy said as he unlocked the restaurant with his spare keys and lead Bugs inside the Bistro.

They walked in towards the way back and exited through the emergency exit doors.

From there, it led to a small, outside garden patio with string lights glowing all around the area with a only a few tables and chairs surrounding the moonlight scenery.

There was a speaker at the edge of the patio playing classic jazz that sure made the night smooth.

*play song above now

Daffy had them sit at the table up front where Cadet and Aurora had placed 2 bottles of champagne on ice and their meals on their plates which consisted of steak, salad and carrot pie.

Daffy, being a gentleman, pulled up a chair for Bugs first before sitting himself down.

"Wow, this is amazing. I never knew the bistro had a place like this." Bugs said amazed.

"Well, this was supposed to be a big part of the restaurant but after a few modeling changes and expansions happen, they just simply forgot about this beautiful place and the only people that knew about it was me, Cadet and Aurora. In fact, I helped Cadet set up a dinner date for him and Aurora once here not too long ago and they love it. I mean who wouldn't? It's got the sights and the means for it to be a perfect dinner." Daffy expressed.

He may not have the best luck with dates, but he was always happy to help Cadet out because somehow at the end of the day, things like that sure made him smile.

"Wow, I didn't think that you would be the romantic type." Bugs said slyly.

"Eh, I was doing a favor for a friend." Daffy said, trying not to make it a big deal.

"Or you were just doing something nice for someone else out of the goodness of your heart." Bugs said, grinning.

"Hehe, yeah or that too." Daffy said as he rubbed his neck anxiously.

The two pour out a bottle of champagne into their glasses and clink them together.

They started chatting away and eating their dinner as if it was just a normal day.

Both, able to let their worries loose and allow their deep thoughts to come slowly in.

"So Doc, I'm curious. If I'm not going too personal with ya or anything but, why do you wear that lace collar around your neck all the time? It must have been from someone real special for you to have it with you for so long."Bugs asked, but then hesitates for a moment.

He hoped that the question didn't offend him in any way or nothing.

"No, it's okay Bugs. It's nothing too personal. I got it from my grandmother after she passed away. You see when I was born, my parents were way too busy and didn't have time to take care of me, so they left me with my uncle and his wife for awhile until I was out of my baby stages and grew into a toddler. By then, my parents have decide to take me to my grandmother's place in hopes that I would live a better life since my uncle was only a mechanic living in a trailer with no means of support at all for me in the future. My grandmother was the best parent that I could ever had in my life. She was a church-going school teacher who taught me to be the best person that I can be. We would do Sunday school together and after church, I would dance away while she played her heart out with that piano. My childhood was joyous and cheery but, one day when I was a teenager, my grandmother got sick and her once warmly heart just....stopped beating. After the funeral, I collected my things, including her necklace and I was forced to stay with my parents at their place. My dad was a firm manager at a corporate agency and my mom was a model for the top magazine company so, they expected a lot out of me. My heart had turned cold quick. It wasn't even in the same rhythm anymore and I just didn't have the time to grief. It's like they don't care or anything. And on top of the bullying that I was facing as a kid, I had to come home and listen to my parents argue over and over again. I was fed up with it all so, when I turned 18, I went ahead and packed my stuff. With no goodbyes or hugs, I simply moved to a small shabby apartment downtown working day and night as a cook for a local restaurant until I could earn enough money to get back on my feet. But every since then, no matter how bad things got, I still continue to wear this chocker necklace to this day around my neck" Daffy explained sadly as he lowered his head, still remembering the last moments he had with his grandmother.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that it must have been real hard for you." Bugs sympathized softly as he placed his hand on Daffy's to comfort him.

He felt bad that Daffy had to suffer like this all of his life.

No wonder it was so difficult for him to interact with other people.

He had no one to trust or look up to all these years except for Bugs and his newer friends here.

Which was why his last fight with Bugs back home, brought him down even more harder than he could ever imagine.

"It's alright Bugs. It was a long time ago so, no pressure." Daffy said with a faint smile.

Bugs then, decide to brighten up the mood a bit.

"Well, I don't know about you Doc, but that was quite a dinner. I've never eaten so carrot pie in my life!" Bugs exclaimed.

"Haha. Well if you think that was good, wait till you see what I have next in store for you." Daffy said smiling.

"Oh no. I can't handle anymore surprises tonight. This already more than enough." Bugs said, modestly.

"Don't be silly Bugs. The night isn't over yet. We still have a few more hours to perch on before we hit the sacks and I know just the perfect spot to spend the rest of the evening in. So, come on. Let's go." Daffy said as he got up from his chair carrying the 2nd champagne bottle and their glasses with one hand and lending his other hand for Bugs.

Bugs took his hand smiling as head for their next destination, hand in hand.

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